Sowers: Which recent Project 2025 letter is flawed?


Just recently, the Daily State News published an Opinion by R. Louis Frank, titled “Writer’s outline of Project 2025 flawed.” That letter criticized the earlier Opinion by Peter Graffagnino, titled “Trump’s Project 2025 detailed.” Frank also criticized the State News for publishing Graffagnino’s letter, evidently for — shall I say? — its low quality.

Neither letter went into any detail about sources or how the evaluation of Project 2025 was carried out, nor was there anything about the way Frank’s fact checking was done. Folks, Project 2025 is a lot bigger deal than Graffagnino’s letter implies. I did not do an exact comparison between his list and what is actually in the free, downloadable 900-some-page document from the Heritage Foundation website because it would require too much time. But I did read all of the Wikipedia article titled “Project 2025.” Do an internet search on it and you will get more links than you think you would. If I could write one sentence about Project 2025, I would say it represents a “crusade” to “purge” most, if not all, of everything progressive/left/Democrat from our country. I think even a lot of conservatives would say it is extremist and goes way too far. It would bring a level of repression comparable to a theocracy, like exists today in Iran; to an ideological, “mono-party control,” like existed in the former Soviet Union; and to censorship and fascism like in Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. And, yes, it really was Donald Trump who said he would be a dictator on day 1 if he gets elected (and, at the end of that day, he would just continue to act like a medieval king, like he did starting in 2016). And — the way things are going — he may become a dictator anyway, even if he doesn’t get elected. If you don’t believe that possibility, just do an internet search on “How could Trump become dictator if he lost election.” Look at the first three dozen links. Several of them are as concerned as I am. And it is a fact that Trump did try to illegally win in 2020. Why would anyone think he would not try again, particularly since the Supreme Court just gave him absolute immunity?

Arthur E. Sowers


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