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13 results total, viewing 1 - 13
Daily State News WILMINGTON – Delaware’s Poetry Out Loud State Finals will return to the Smyrna Opera House on Thursday, Feb. 20, from 6 until 9:30 p.m. Eleven student finalists … more
BALTIMORE — “I almost didn’t buy it,” a Virginia resident said of the $50,000 winning  Pick 5  ticket while on his way home earlier this month. The “mistake … more
CRISFIELD — The youngest of the 77th National Hard Crab Derby’s royal court were picked last Friday night with a couple of dancers rising to the top to be named Little Miss and Little Mr. … more
Want to have your photo of a local favorite fall event or attraction in our Bay to the Beach publication?  Submit your favorite photo featuring a fall image from any spot between the … more
The Stars of Salisbury is an exciting honor for your favorite local businesses to be awarded the top prize in their category. Vote for your favorites as many times as you want in as many … more
Vote for your favorites so they can be a STAR! The Stars of Delaware is an exciting annual honor for your favorite local businesses to be awarded the top prize in their category. Vote for … more
Stars of Salisbury is an exciting honor for your favorite local businesses, community groups, non-profits and individuals to be awarded the top prize in their category.   Nominate your … more
PRINCESS ANNE — Contestants are now being accepted for the 2024 Somerset County Fair Miss, Junior Miss, and Little Miss pageants. Little Miss are ages 4-7 and Junior Miss are ages 9-12 on … more
Stars of Delaware is an exciting annual honor for your favorite local businesses, community groups, non-profits and individuals to be awarded the top prize in their category. Nominate your … more
Want to have your photo of a local favorite summer event or attraction in our Bay to the Beach publication? Submit your favorite photo featuring a summer image from any spot between the … more
It's time to start nominating your favorite businesses for Stars of Somerset. Stars of Somerset is an exciting honor for your favorite local businesses, community groups, non-profits and … more
When you are talking to someone visiting your local community, how do you end this sentence? “Before you leave you have to ____________________.” Is it a great restaurant, cool … more
You could WIN $50 with your vote in the Stars of the Banner! Stars of the Banner is an exciting honor for your favorite local businesses, organizations and individuals to be awarded the top … more
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