Frank: Writer’s outline of Project 2025 flawed


I am alarmed and disappointed that you published the letter by Peter Graffagnino (“Trump’s Project 2025 detailed”). Though he certainly has a right to his opinion, I believe a newspaper has a responsibility to not publish such a wild, baseless and inflammatory letter. Fact checking many of his assertions has led me to the conclusion that he is either woefully misinformed at best or the victim or perpetrator of extremist propaganda.

Such impossible statements of his regarding Project 2025 include: a complete ban on abortion and contraceptives, teaching Christian religious beliefs in public schools, defunding the FBI and Homeland Security, eliminating the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency, and the most laughable of all, “becom(ing) a ‘dictator’ on day 1.” Some of these would be impossible and unconstitutional, even under a conservative Supreme Court.

I pray that readers took this as a laughable attempt at satire, and no one took him seriously

R. Louis Frank

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