Random political observations following Delaware's primary election


DOVER — Odds and ends between headlines and deadlines ...


Did you know ...

• John Carney is only the ninth governor to win two successive terms in office. The last six — Gov. Carney, Pete du Pont, Mike Castle, Tom Carper, Ruth Ann Minner and Jack Markell — are among them.

• Only three lieutenant governors made successful leaps to the governor’s office. They were Elbert Carvel (1948), Mike Castle (1984) and Gov. Minner (2000). The last two to try — Gov. Carney and Bethany Hall-Long — lost in primary elections.

• Delaware is one of 18 states that elect candidates for governor and lieutenant governor separately. Parties split the offices six times since 1912. The last time was in 1984, when Mr. Castle, a Republican, won election as governor and Democrat S.B. Woo became lieutenant governor.

• This year, for the first time, two women — Democrat Kyle Evans Gay and Republican Ruth Briggs King — will compete in the lieutenant governor’s race in the general election.

• Lt. Gov. Hall-Long may become the fourth lieutenant governor called upon to fill the remaining term of a governor. Gov. Carney is scheduled to assume the role of Wilmington’s mayor ahead of his scheduled final day in office.

The term “acting governor” is often used but not always liked.

“There was nothing ‘acting’ about me,” Gov. Minner once told historian Roger A. Martin. “I had all the powers of the governorship at that time.”


We hope you had a chance to review readers’ comments on Saturday’s Opinion pages.

In separate Questions of the Week, we asked readers what they thought about Delaware’s rule that voters only vote within their party in the primary election, and we asked what could be done to improve voter turnout.

As you might guess, opening the primary to all voters — regardless of parties — was among the suggestions.

(Read what readers had to say about increasing turnout and primary voting eligibility.)

Overall, turnout was 22% in the Sept. 10 primary.

Breaking it down, turnout was 24% for the Democratic Party and 18% for the Republicans.

Drilling down into the numbers, the highest result — 36% — was in District 14, where there was a three-way primary to fill Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf’s seat. The winner was Claire Snyder-Hall, who now faces Republican Mike Simpler in the general election.

The lowest turnout was in District 32, with 14% voting. The district essentially includes the communities circling Dover Air Force Base.


As you’ll recall, primary election day was sunny and pleasant.

Usually, the worry is bad weather affecting turnout. Maybe it was too nice a day?

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