Graffagnino: Trump’s Project 2025 detailed


Project 2025 is a massive document that lays out Donald Trump’s plans for America, should he be reelected. Some of the more noteworthy particulars are listed here:

  • End no-fault divorce
  • Complete ban on abortion without exceptions “and some kind of punishment for the mothers should they abort”
  • Ban contraceptives
  • Instill additional tax breaks for the most wealthy (the 1%), as well as corporations
  • Enact higher taxes for the working class
  • Eliminate “unions” and worker protection programs
  • Raise the legal retirement age for the working class
  • Cut Social Security
  • Cut Medicare
  • End the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare”
  • Raise prescription drug prices
  • Eliminate the Department of Education
  • Use taxpayers’ money for private religious schools
  • Teach “Christian” religious beliefs in all public schools (what happened to the separation of church and state?)
  • End free and discounted lunch programs in schools
  • Ban African American and gender studies in all schools at all levels of education
  • Ban books about slavery
  • End the scientific study involving climate change/protection
  • Increase Arctic drilling for oil and natural gas (his quote: “Drill, baby, drill”)
  • Deregulate the rules that govern Big Business and the oil industry to increase their profit margins by billions
  • Promote and “expedite” capital punishment
  • Begin mass deportation of immigrants
  • End marriage equality and same-sex marriage, with the elimination of equal rights, as per traditional marriages
  • Condemn single mothers, while promoting only “traditional families”
  • Defund (eliminate) the FBI and Department of Homeland Security
  • Use the military to break up domestic protests
  • End birthright citizenship
  • Ban Muslims from entering the country
  • Eliminate federal agencies like the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and more
  • Continue to pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with right-wing judges
  • Become a “dictator” on day 1
  • Abandon our NATO allies and encourage “Vladimir Putin” to do “whatever the hell he wants” in eastern Europe
  • Use the presidency for revenge and retribution without consequences

Enough said?

This is only a partial list of what is to come! Is this the America we want for our children and grandchildren?

Peter Graffagnino


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