Roof: Trump’s record with military speaks volumes


Unlike Mr. Edward Mayer, I am a veteran (“Are we ready for Trump to command the military?”). I served for 29 years, and I find his comments repugnant.

Is his memory so short as to forget who the U.S. military’s commander in chief was just four years ago? Has he forgotten that, under Donald J. Trump, for the first time in memorable history, the United States was not in a single new aggressive military action? Has he forgotten that Donald Trump drew a line in the sand, and when Syria violated it, it was squashed immediately? Did he forget that this president actually moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Jerusalem, when three other presidents had promised to do so but never fulfilled that mission? Did he forget the Abraham Accords? Did he forget that Donald Trump was the first U.S. president ever to set foot into North Korea? Did he forget that every despot in our world cowered to the words of Donald J. Trump?

So, to answer your question — presuming you’d rather have someone appointed as candidate without ever gaining a single primary vote — my answer is an unequivocally loud yes!

George Roof


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