King: Several truths make Trump unfit for office


It’s hard to believe there are still people like Beverly E. Monahan who want to go on thinking that Donald Trump is fit to be president ("Can America withstand turmoil under Harris?”). Beverly left out a few important facts. Let’s see — he is a convicted felon, convicted by a jury that his own defense team helped choose. He should be going to jail. He is burdened by other charges to come. He has cheated on each wife. Lately, even the news is carrying his loss of control in his speeches. He has been found to be constantly lying about everything! Why would anyone want this person to be president? His former staff members and even many Republicans are against Trump now.

But let me point out the thing that gets to me most: It’s been proven that he said veterans are “suckers and losers.” I hope my fellow veterans will remember this when they go to the voting booth in November. Mr. Donald Trump, I am a veteran, and I’m not a sucker or a loser. What did you ever do for your country besides take?

William B. King


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