Our world lost a giant this week. Diaz Bonville passed away.
Donald Trump’s smackdown at the hands of Kamala Harris at the Sept. 10 debate was so complete that it left many of us feeling that it was over. Time to relax. In Trump’s mind, however, the opposite was true: He won the debate, hands down.
When San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris prosecuted “with disturbing zeal” a case of first-degree murder against actor Jamal Trulove, he said neither she nor her staff talked with him to get any information prior to his trial.
DOVER — Some notes and quotes between headlines and deadlines ... *** More than half of Delaware’s tenants are paying 30 percent or more of their incomes on housing. The …
Olivia Fritz wrote an Opinion about her support for House Bill 140, which would allow physicians to provide medical aid in dying (Wednesday).
Summer 2024 marked the 17th season for the Freeman Arts Pavilion. In those 17 years, our young, yet ambitious, organization reached an extraordinary milestone.
Only 22% of registered voters participated in Tuesday’s primary election in Delaware. Why do you think turnout was so low? What does that say about citizens’ understanding and appreciation for how democracy works? What can be done to boost the number of residents who cast ballots?

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Following months of speculation about would she or wouldn’t she, Taylor Swift announced her endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris with an Instagram post shortly after Tuesday's presidential debate.
When Kamala Harris gave her less-than-20-minute interview with CNN, it was nothing more than a plea to the American voter to elect her as a middle school class president.
Wednesday morning, the day before Thanksgiving, Mae awoke, set her hair in curlers and switched on her laptop. A message appeared. It said her Safari web browser had encountered a problem, and a link offered to connect the 83-year-old to the Apple Computer Co. Mae clicked it.
I read another letter to the Daily State News that offered incorrect information. The writer’s letter was an attack on J.D. Vance, basically saying that a corporal (Vance) is less trustworthy than a command sergeant major (Tim Walz) in a political position (“Should Republicans be urging VP nominee to ‘go, J.D., go’?”).
On Oct. 1, a Louisiana law will go into effect classifying the drug misoprostol a dangerous controlled substance. It is used for routine reproductive care, specifically to treat postpartum hemorrhaging, and for abortions in combination with mifepristone.
Delaware’s state primaries — which took place today — only allow voting by registered Democrats and Republicans. Do you think all voters should have a voice during these preliminary elections? What are the positives and negatives of allowing only the two parties’ registrants to take part?
As the primary election in Delaware concludes, it’s crucial that we, as voters, carefully consider the values and policies of the candidates who seek our support in the general election. The high cost of housing continues to grow, preventing Delawareans from achieving homeownership and threatening those who do own with higher taxes and more economic uncertainty.
Jordan McClements wrote an Opinion about potential solutions to the state’s overdose crisis.
Our moral obligation to the children is clear: We must nurture and educate them well. It’s time to apply this commitment to all children by fixing the failures of our public education system.
I believe all registered voters should have a voice during preliminary elections (“Question of the Week: Should all voters be eligible for primaries?”).
Thank you, Mr. Stan Lakey for the Opinion, but you’re asking too much from people who don’t read a newspaper or change the channel from one they disagree with (“Project 2025 not written by Trump”).
Every four years, politicians and bureaucratic think tanks far removed from the classroom introduce “next” best practices to replace those that did not previously work. This cycle has directly contributed to Delaware’s declining test scores. Couple this with the poor policy decisions during the pandemic, and Delaware now sees itself at or near the bottom in national rankings.
Just recently, the Daily State News published an Opinion by R. Louis Frank, titled “Writer’s outline of Project 2025 flawed.” That letter criticized the earlier Opinion by Peter Graffagnino, titled “Trump’s Project 2025 detailed.” Frank also criticized the State News for publishing Graffagnino’s letter, evidently for — shall I say? — its low quality.
Weather and tides have proven to be ongoing concerns for the dunes and highway near the Indian River Inlet. What would you like to see to ensure long-term plans to address this? Hire me as …
Moira Sheridan’s recent Opinion (“End-of-life law needs veto, further consideration”) is misguided and leaves out key facts and requirements of the proposed law, House Bill 140.
I think everyone should be allowed to vote in primaries regardless of party (“Question of the Week: Should all voters be eligible for primaries?”).
Associated Builders and Contractors’ Delaware chapter is an organization that represents the construction industry — a lifeblood of Delaware’s economy and one that, for years, has driven economic growth in the state and nationally. The industry provides a direct pathway to personal prosperity and the ability to earn a high-quality living without the burden of excessive college debt.