Daniels: Why are some anti-Trumpers not endorsing Harris?


After reading Mr. Phil Spampinato’s letter outlining all the terrible reasons we shouldn’t vote for former President Donald Trump, I realized he noticeably fails to endorse Kamala Harris or her policies (“It’s time to elect a leader to unite, not divide,” Aug. 14). I wonder why.

The entire article is nothing more than Trump derangement syndrome, playing out for what looks like about 1,000-plus words. Nothing — absolutely nothing — about policy is outlined to recommend a vote for Harris. Voting for her is definitely implied, but there isn’t a word to say a vote for Harris is a vote for a better country or democracy.

Remember, she attempted to run for president during the last election and was the first Democratic candidate to drop out, after Tulsi Gabbard, in less than 120 seconds, exposed her for who and what she really was! So, how did Kamala Harris become the Democratic nominee for president?

The answer is simple. When it became fully apparent that Joe Biden — to include the downballot in the House of Representatives and Senate — was going to lose terribly, Joe had to go. In the smoke-filled backrooms of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York hatched a coup to get rid of Joe and find someone to replace him. Forget the democratic process of a primary. Give it to Kamala, as the money from Joe’s campaign followed her. Obama, Pelosi and Schumer orchestrated a process that took less than two weeks, ridding themselves of Joe and making Kamala the Democratic nominee. Nary a vote was cast by the millions of Democratic voters, but bingo, they had their 2024 presidential nominee.

So, who is Kamala Harris, and what does she really stand for? As I write this, we know absolutely nothing about the full platform that Harris will run on. Hell, we don’t even know who the lady is, unless, of course, you review her statements and actions, or lack of action, for the past three-plus years.

Joe ran on the platform of unifying this country. Within the first 24 hours of his presidency, that lie went out the window. Who was standing next to him? Kamala, and she’s pushing the unification concept once again. Her cackling laugh has been removed, and she is being portrayed by our incompetent print and news media as presidential and ready. I am sure that the “boys” in Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are licking their chops, as they see a feckless individual who will be easier to deal with than Joe. God only knows what she understands and knows about foreign policy and what hers might be.

Recently, we got an idea of what Kamala stands for when she outlined a portion of her economic recovery plan for the United States. Forget that the plan is nothing more than socialism and communism folded together. It is a furthering of the Obama concept of hope and change, and the transformation that this country must undertake.

As Harris was outlining her “opportunity economy” concept, it became clear to anyone who understands even the basic tenets of economics that she was touting socialism and an incredible increase in the size of and the spending by the federal government. According to her, the federal government is the only way to bring about what she was really outlining — equity.

Her plan to decrease the cost of groceries has proven time and time again that it will fail and only increase prices and make shortages worse. Price controls have never worked and will never work. It’s simple economics; however, if you are clueless to simple economics, tout price controls. Presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter tried price controls, and they were a disaster. How many of you remember the long gas lines of the early ’80s and the shortages in our supermarkets? Believe in Kamala, and you will see them again.

How will we pay for the $6,000 child credits and the $1,500 earned income credits? The estimates to the increase in our national debt is in the trillions.

The $25,000 for first-time homebuyers will raise the cost of housing, not make sales more competitive. To make housing more affordable, we must decrease inflation, lower the interest rate and once again become energy independent. Without those changes, and by listening to Kamala, inflation will increase, interest rates will remain high, and the price of gasoline will increase.

Also, to ease the housing shortage, she is proposing billions to help local communities with their housing shortages. Buried in those billions is the string (rope?) attached to the money — give up your local zoning ordinance authority to the federal government. Translation: The federal government decides what type of homes are built and where, meaning a development like Wild Quail would have subsidized and high-volume (apartments) homes. Is that what we want?

I hope that everyone who truly understands how capitalism works understands that the path Kamala wants to take us down is farther left than Joe’s. She is being presented to the American voter as a new face and idea to help alleviate the problems she had both hands in causing. Remember, she was always the “last one in the room” when Joe made decisions — all of which were disastrous for this country.

Don’t be fooled by the glitzy presentation of Kamala. Her actions are exactly what we’ve seen from her for the past three-plus years in the Biden-Harris administration — big talk and zero, zero action. She has been an absolute failure being the “border czar”; supported the disastrous departure from Afghanistan; and was the deciding vote on the American Rescue Plan Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, both of which caused our 9% inflation. If anything, the economic policies she just outlined are farther left than Joe ever went.

Her ads show her as a child of a mother who worked hard and worked at McDonald’s while in school. What they are failing to tell you is that her father is a far-left economist at Stanford University. I suspect what Kamala learned about economics represents what Daddy indoctrinated her to.

Retired U.S. Army Reserve Col. Frank Daniels


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