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Young drops Delaware congressional bid, leaving McBride lone Democrat

By Joseph Edelen
Posted 6/15/24

WILMINGTON — Former Delaware State Housing Authority director Eugene Young suspended his congressional campaign Wednesday, effectively clearing the field for state Sen. Sarah McBride to receive …

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VOTE 2024

Young drops Delaware congressional bid, leaving McBride lone Democrat


WILMINGTON — Former Delaware State Housing Authority director Eugene Young suspended his congressional campaign Wednesday, effectively clearing the field for state Sen. Sarah McBride to receive the Democratic nomination this fall.

Since the launch of their campaigns, Sen. McBride, D-Wilmington, maintained a significant fundraising lead and was endorsed by a number of statewide elected officials, labor unions and members of the General Assembly.

Mr. Young, who was backed by Gov. John Carney in March, had yet to file his candidacy with the Department of Elections at the time of his campaign’s suspension.

“This decision comes after careful consideration and deep reflection. I am profoundly grateful for the trust and investment our team of supporters, volunteers, and donors have placed in me during this campaign. To my family, thank you for your support on this journey,” Mr. Young said in a statement.

“Although I am suspending my 2024 run for Congress, my commitment to the state of Delaware remains unwavering. I will continue to advocate for policies and legislation that support everyday Delawareans.”

Following the announcement, Sen. McBride commended his efforts, noting that, in Delaware, candidates often find themselves running against those “who we like and deeply respect, people who are decent, qualified, and talented leaders — committed and compassionate Delawareans, like Eugene Young.”

On her Facebook page, she wrote, “Over the last year, my respect for Eugene has only grown. He’s run a positive campaign focused on the most important issues facing Delawareans: affordable housing and health care, good-paying jobs, and livable communities where all our families and neighbors can thrive. I know the story of Eugene’s contributions to our state is only just beginning.”

On May 31, Sen. McBride broke a record for the most funds raised in a campaign for an open congressional seat in Delaware history. At that time, she had raised more than $2.14 million — surpassing the $2.1 million in total accumulated by the Carney campaign for the U.S. House seat in 2010. In comparison, Mr. Young had garnered about $401,000 by late May.

Since the Wednesday announcement, Sen. McBride has received endorsements from the state Democratic Party; U.S. House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; Delaware Speaker of the House Valerie Longhurst, D-Bear; and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., who is vacating her seat in pursuit of the position of retiring Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del.

Ahead of Delaware’s July 9 candidate filing deadline, it is unclear if any other Democrats will join the race for the state’s lone congressional spot. With the primary election set Sept. 10, the campaign also includes Republican Donyale Hall, a Dover-based businesswoman and veteran.

Department of Elections

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