Monahan: U.S. must stop bending down to adversaries


President Joseph R. Biden has once again bent an American knee to China. His Department of Justice recently backed lawsuits filed against U.S. states that would allow massive Chinese purchases of our American land. The Chinese now own thousands of acres of American land. They are purchasing billions of dollars worth of homegrown American soil. Some of these abominable purchases are very near to American military bases. How is this perilous act able to continue? This must be stopped!

The president does appear to allow these dangerous existing conditions. Why would Biden disregard such abundant purchases by any adversarial nation, including our No. 1 adversary, China? Currently, throughout our nation, they have access to the freedom to complete their dedicated purchases of American farmland.

The lawsuits are an act of anti-American self-worth. China has a decisive plan to outmaneuver America at all costs. Biden has failed to secure the protection of our nation. Of course, this was first shown by Biden’s ignoring of the Southern U.S. border, which has now escalated to accumulate many millions of unauthorized migrants traveling throughout our entire nation. It must end!

We need strong leadership in the nation. The November 2024 presidential election is a critical period of time when that strength can begin to surface. Change is required for America to once again be first — not in the current negative position we now endure.

America must never again bow a knee to any other nation! We must exhibit strength with wise judgment and knowledge to ensure our position throughout the world!

May God always bless the United States of America!

Beverly E. Monahan


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