Milford Museum highlighting historic events each month

Video series being shown on Facebook, YouTube

By Elle Wood
Posted 6/28/24

The Milford Museum is revisiting history and wants residents to join in.

In May, the museum began the “This Month in Milford History” initiative, an effort to show how the city came to be.

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Milford Museum highlighting historic events each month

Video series being shown on Facebook, YouTube


MILFORD — The Milford Museum is revisiting history and wants residents to join in.

In May, the museum began the “This Month in Milford History” initiative, an effort to show how the city came to be.

It was an idea museum staff had in the works for almost a year.

“When I first came onboard last July, I had a number of different things that I wanted to do here,” said the facility’s director, Tom Summers. “And one of them was to do a ‘This Week in Milford History’ that I thought would be really cool but that would be a lot of work.”

Settling on monthly installments, the production features video posts on Facebook and YouTube and includes information and images about what was happening in Milford during that month in the past.

The source organizers use has been a part of the Milford community a long time. “The basis for our information is the Milford Chronicle,” Mr. Summers said. “The paper has existed since the late 19th century.”
The highlighted events span from that time through the 1980s.

“We get four or five facts from the paper itself, and we try to spread them out from early or late 19th century, early 20th century and something all the way up through the ’70s or ’80s.”

Viewers have enjoyed the content of the first two releases.

“It has been very well received,” Mr. Summers said. “We have only done it twice, and we are getting ready to do the July one.

“I think people are seeing things that used to happen in Milford that don’t happen anymore, like the go-karts and the Hospital Fair. We are trying to show what Milford was like.”

He added that he hopes “This Month in Milford History,” along with other museum events, will spread the word about how the facility is developing the city.

“The reason I wanted to get it started is that I thought it would be a good way to connect the museum and get our word out there of the good things that the museum is doing,” Mr. Summers said.

For information, visit milforddemuseum.org or the museum’s Facebook or YouTube pages.

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