Maloney: ‘Discomfort with difficult topics is how we grow’


It was with great relief that, though after 10 p.m. July 15, we learned that the Milford school board would not be voting on the Board Policy 6103 revision as presented. Previously speaking against this revision, the Youth & School Officials Action Group of Speak Out Against Hate applauds the decision to table it and create a committee composed of teachers, staff, students, administrators and community members. This is a necessary step forward, not only toward compromise but toward a working policy that is fit for students today and future students of Milford and their families. The policy revision the Milford school board wants to put forward, as it currently reads, will promote bullying and bias by not permitting issues to be talked about in the open among youth and educators.

It is hoped that, going forward, all voices will be equally considered and that this policy will not reflect an “all or nothing” approach to the myriad social and emotional aspects inherent within it. While conflict or disagreement may be uncomfortable, teaching ways to cope with those feelings are important tools to reaching maturity. The board needs look no further than the Anti-Defamation League for information and free programs for schools through its “No Place for Hate” initiative, which would assist in addressing this problem and teach students to embrace differences, not exclude, bully or torment. I would hope we have a shared desire for students to develop resilience and critical thinking. Our teachers are primed to do this. Discomfort with difficult topics is how we grow.

Speak Out Against Hate’s mission statement, in part, seeks to confront and speak out against the rising tide of hate in any form, and we look forward to a positive outcome if there is a revision to Milford’s Board Policy 6103.

Patty Maloney

President, Speak Out Against Hate

Facilitator, Youth & School Officials Action Group


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