Foy: Convention of states seeks dialogue, discourse


In June, the resolution to call for a convention of states was voted on in the Delaware Senate. Through conversations with many opponents of the resolution, it is clear that many Delawareans are confused about what the convention of states movement is looking for.

Above all, the initiative is asking for a dialogue between all sides of the political aisle. Some people mistakenly believe that convention supporters will be the delegates to it, but this is incorrect. The legislatures of each state will choose the delegates for their own state. Naturally, blue states will be likely to choose more blue delegates and red states to choose red ones. At the convention, delegates for all parties will have the ability to propose amendments. These amendments must be ratified by 38 states, as well, so for any amendment to finally be passed, it must have broad support across the country.

There are many different forms these amendments might take. Some people hear “fiscal accountability” and assume this means a balanced budget amendment. But there are other ways to require fiscal accountability, as well. The same is true of term limits. All parties come to the table with their best ideas to discuss and negotiate, and the ideas with the greatest support will be suggested as amendments.

This is what the convention of states is looking for: dialogue and discourse from all parties. We all agree that there are problems in Washington — it’s time to start fixing them.

Susan Foy


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