Delaware distracted driving enforcement campaign yields results


DOVER - A multi-agency campaign targeting distracted driving/occupant distraction resulted in 435 tickets, 98 warnings and eight criminal arrests, Delaware State Police said in a news release.

The campaign, which ran from Jan. 15 to Feb. 13, involved Delaware State Police, Delaware Office of Highway Safety, and Delaware Department of Transportation.

Among the offenses cited, police said, were 82 distracted driving (cell phone) contacts, 120 speeding violations, 52 seatbelt violations, two child restraint violations, 2 DUI’s and a passing stopped school bus.

The Delaware State Police will continue partnering with the Delaware Office of Highway Safety for additional campaigns outside their normal daily patrols, spokesman Senior Cpl. Jason Hatchell said.

Currently, additional speed and DUI enforcement are in progress through March.

More information about the Delaware Office of Highway Safety is available at

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