Letters to the Editor, Oct. 24, 2018


The Most Important Race in Dorchester County

While all political races are important. none is more consequential this November thant he Register of Wills for Dorchester County.

Richard Colburn is running against the incumbent Doris Keene Lewis. While I have supported Mr. Colburn for other offices in the past. he is clearly not the most qualified candidate in this contest.

Last year. the Register handled hundreds of estates both large and small. involving millions of dollars. This process requires a clear understanding of more than 450 pages of statutes in the Estates and Trusts Article. Simply stated. probate is complicated. Mrs. Lewis hasf 44 years of experience and is highly respected by the attorneys who practice before her in this county and by other Registers around the State for her knowledge and professionalism.

It is simply not enough that Mr. Colburn has a desire to help people. All of the citizens of this county will eventually have business before the Orphans’ Court and they deserve the very best person to fill this vital office.

I urge my Republican friends to recognize the significance of this race and to cast their ballots for Doris Keene Lewis for Register of Wills for Dorchester County.

Raymond H. Simmons Jr.

Attorney at Law


Going with the lady in red

Our “lady in pink” regularly attends community events, and if we miss a few, we’ll see her bright smile on the pages of our paper. Addie Eckardt clearly enjoys being our state senator, but we might ask ourselves if she is representing our best interests.

Concerning healthcare, a subject dear to us, we find that she has voted against prohibiting unwarranted price hikes on prescription drugs (HB631), against requiring more employers to provide sick leave (HB1), and against the Medicaid expansion now covering over 13,000 Eastern Shore residents in District 37 (HB228).

Following decades of wage stagnation, with over 50 percent of our students now qualifying for free meals or assistance, it might also be concerning that she voted against both raising our minimum wage (HB295) and against an improvement and accountability program for our schools (HB978).

She has mentioned Maryland’s US Climate Alliance membership favorably, but voted against it, as well as against prohibiting fracking (HB1325), despite the findings of our geological survey, and against increasing Maryland’s renewable energy portfolio (HB1106). Not surprisingly, she earned a zero ranking from the League of Conservation Voters in 2017.

Heading to the polls might also remind us of her vote against early voting (HB201), but advocating for our health, a healthy environment, and a living wage is far more important.

Holly Wright, our lady in red, is not only offering a bright smile and reassuring presence, she will provide positive representation in Annapolis.

Carol Voyles



Jesse Colvin will be a

REAL representative

There has been a glaring shortage of letters supporting Congressman Andy Harris for reelection. I have noticed from the few I’ve seen that none of them mentions one positive thing Congressman Harris has done for our District to improve our lives. Most of them acknowledge that he is a lousy candidate contrasted with his challenger, Jesse Colvin.

Two pleaded with others to hold their noses and vote for him anyway, one asking for two more years to find another Republican to replace him. Most of the Harris letters claim that Jesse Colvin may seem outstanding, but once their boogey ”man” Nancy Pelosi and the congressional Democrats get hold of him, he will succumb to their spell and abandon his positions that are so popular in District 1. That just demonstrates that they know nothing of Jesse Colvin.

No one is going to derail a man from doing the right things for his district and America who led Army Ranger teams against Al Qaida and the Taliban during four combat tours in Afghanistan. These are just the usual scare tactics Republicans use when they have nothing positive to offer.

I have also noticed during my door-to-door canvassing for Jesse that a surprising number of Republicans have told me that even though they have supported Andy Harris in the past, they like what they see in Colvin and are either planning on voting for him or giving him a serious look because they believe we need a real change.

Jesse Colvin will be everything Andy Harris has failed to be as someone who is supposed to be representing the best interests of District 1 and the nation. He shows up and faces his constituents; Harris hides.

He supports measures to improve the health of the Bay, including the proven successful multi-state Chesapeake Bay Program coordinated by the EPA; Harris doesn’t. Colvin supports affordable accessible quality health care for all his constituents; Harris doesn’t.

Colvin will be proactive in ensuring our seafood/crab industries have all the H-2B visa workers they need; Harris failed them miserably this year. Colvin will promote increased and improved services and health care for veterans; Harris hasn’t. He will promote policies to combat the devastating climate change caused by burning excessive fossil fuels, including a major emphasis on alternative clean energy sources; Harris promotes increased use of fossil fuels to accelerate destruction of our planet.

Colvin advocates tax cuts for middle class working Americans; Harris voted for the massive tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that have exploded our deficits/debt but done nothing to help middle Americans. Colvin proposes aggressive measures to slash prescription drug prices; Harris doesn’t, taking political contributions from Big Pharma. The list goes on and on.

Vote for Jesse Colvin for Congress from Maryland’s 1st District. It’s long past time we had a real representative who will represent ALL of us, and not just a hardened ideology and wealthy/corporate donors like Harris does.

Mike Brown

Neck District

Dorchester County

It’s really easy to vote in Maryland

The 2013 Supreme Court Decision which gutted the Voting Rights Act has resulted in more than 30 states proposing new restrictions affecting voter registration and identification. Thankfully, Maryland is not one of them. Voting in Maryland is strongly encouraged; however, during the primary election in June, only about 22 percent of registered voters in Dorchester County turned out to vote.

Perhaps residents of our county do not know how easy our Board of Elections makes it to vote. For example, the voter registration deadline was Oct. 16; however, people may still register in person during early voting, Oct. 25 until Nov. 1.

If a person is unable to take off from work to vote or has other circumstances that might get in the way of voting, he or she may request an absentee ballot application. For anyone who wants his or her ballot to come by direct mail, the deadline is Oct. 30. If a person wants an emailed ballot, the deadline is Nov. 2. Absentee ballot applications can be found at the Board of Elections website: www.elections.maryland.gov.

Absentee ballot applications may also be obtained by going directly to the Board of Elections Office on the first floor of the County Office Building (Room 105) on 501 Court Lane in Cambridge through Nov. 5.

Anyone who has had an address change must reregister to vote. To vote in this general election, they should bring some ID with their address on it to early voting.

It is not a bad idea for people to verify their voter registration status. It is easy! They can go to the Board of Elections website: www.elections.maryland.gov. They can also find their polling place, absentee ballot status, and other information here. Of course, they may also call the Board of Elections: 410-228-2560.

Many people are not aware of the Restoration of Voting Rights law. This law provides voting rights to persons who have been convicted of a felony for which they have finished serving their period of incarceration. This also gives voting rights to persons who are still on parole. To take advantage of this law; however, they must reregister.

Early voting lasts for a whole week, including the weekends. It starts on Oct. 25 and lasts until Nov. 1. People can vote from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Early voting takes place on the first floor of the County Office Building on 501 Court Lane.

Be an informed voter. Voters can check for candidate information on websites such as www.votesmart.org and www.politifact.com. These websites reveal how incumbents voted in Congress and Annapolis. It is important to check!

There are two questions on the ballot this year. The first one is a constitutional amendment requiring commercial gaming revenues that are for public education to supplement spending for education in public schools. This will prevent the casino money earmarked for education to be used for another purpose.

The second question is about same day registration and voting. In other words, people will be able to register to vote as well as vote on election day so long as they bring proof of their address. Many states have adopted this policy already and have seen an increase in the number of people voting. These questions are presented fully on the Board of Elections website: www.elections.maryland.gov.

Remember, election day is Nov. 6. People can vote from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. at their polling places. Anyone who does not know his or her polling place will find it on their voter registration card, at the Board of Elections website, or by calling Kim, Brittany, Gwen, or Jessica at our local Board of Elections office: 410-228-2560.

Susan Olsen


I’m voting for Colvin

In Maryland’s 1st Congressional District, this year we have the opportunity to elect Jesse Colvin to represent us in Washington. I recently had the opportunity to attend Jesse’s town hall meeting in Jarrettsville and came away impressed. Jesse is new to the political arena, but not new to public service.

The son of a district court judge and a public defender, Jesse set out to join the military in the wake of 9/11. His parents convinced him to complete his education first, so he earned his bachelor’s degree from Duke University, studying history and Arabic. After graduation, he spent time in Syria, where he taught English to Iraqi refugees.

That experience led Jesse back to the idea of serving in the military. His six years in the U.S. Army as an intelligence officer and member of the elite Army Rangers included four combat deployments to Afghanistan. Returning home, he earned a Master’s degree from Columbia University, financed through the G.I. Bill, and began a successful career in business.

Now Jesse has set his sights on continuing to serve his country as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. His priorities are the key issues of the day for all Marylanders – jobs for the future, affordable healthcare, the condition of the Chesapeake Bay, support for our veterans, the opioid crisis, equal pay, and middle-class tax reform. He readily admits that he doesn’t have all the answers, but is willing to take on the challenges with urgency.

These are not partisan issues and they will not be solved by extreme proposals from one party or the other. Jesse has experience working across the aisle – he is married to a Republican and former police officer. Dozens of our veterans are running for Congressional seats this cycle. They, like Jesse, know how to overcome differences and work cooperatively to achieve the mission. Many of them have taken on the slogan “Country before Party.” Together, they can become a sorely needed force for change in Washington.

I can’t say that I know this young man well, but the traits that I see in him – intelligence, bravery, leadership, and the willingness to serve – make me willing to support him. I will be voting for Jesse Colvin and encourage you to do so as well.

Michael Dean

Forest Hill

District 1 needs Satterfield

Although I have not publically endorsed political candidates in the past, and while I do not reside in his district, I have followed closely Don Satterfield’s work since taking office. Don is smart, hard-working and possesses incredible integrity. After doing some research, I want others to know about him…

After serving his country for 36 years in the US Army and Maryland National Guard, Don retired in 2009 as a Military Police Command Sergeant Major. Simultaneous to his military service, he has served Dorchester County in multiple posts over 30 years including his present obligation.

Don first served Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office from 1981-1991 as a Deputy Correctional Officer rising to the position of Chief Jailer/Warden. In 1991, he transferred to the Department of Corrections as Chief of Operations. While serving in this position, he graduated from The Maryland Correctional Administrators Academy, and was responsible for implementing policy and procedures, budgeting, personnel, 24hr duty schedules, the Cadet Program and more.

In January of 1997, Don accepted the position of Airport Manager and served in this capacity until May 2008. During his tenure as Manager, the Cambridge-Dorchester Airport was recognized in 2002 as “Maryland Small Airport of the Year,” and Don was recognized as “Small Airport Manager of the Year.“ During his time as Manager, he was instrumental in obtaining and managing grants in excess of $23 Million enabling the building of the new Terminal, a runway extension and other airport and tech park improvements.

In 2008, Don accepted the position of Warden at the Dorchester County Detention Center, where he served until his retirement from Dorchester County service in 2011. As Warden, he managed an operating budget of over $3.5 million, annually. With clear goals for the Detention Center, he ultimately achieved reduction of 18 percent in the operating budget. He efficiently managed over 60 employees, 200 inmates, and numerous immigration detainees.

Don served as an active member of the Rescue Fire Company for 17 years, serving as Ambulance Lieutenant, Ladder Truck Lieutenant, Captain, Company Vice President and President. Dorchester County Residents will remember Don participating with the Rescue Fire Company in many community events with his two Dalmatians: Matches and Ember. Currently, Don is an exempt member of Rescue Fire Company but has always been a firm supporter of the volunteer fire service. He has worked with the county council to increase the ALL 14 Dorchester County Volunteer Fire Companies funding to historic levels, well above the FY2008 funding levels.

Don is a native of Dorchester County and resides with his wife, Ruthie, and their rescued animals in District One. Their three cats and two dogs have a “forever home” with Don and Ruthie. When Don is not working for the citizens of Dorchester, he is an avid golfer, Harley rider and enjoys working on old cars and his jeep. He is an active member out in the community and can be found out and about talking and listening to the residents in District One.

Having served as past Junior and Senior Vice-Commander, Don is a life member of VFW Post 7460. He is a member of American Legion Post 91, Cambridge Moose Lodge 1211, and Cambridge Elks Lodge 1272. He has served with the Ambassador Program for the Chamber of Commerce and as a volunteer for the American Cancer Society during their “Jail and Bail “ program.

Currently, Don is serving on the County Heritage Area council, the new hospital transition team, the Mid-Shore Regional Council, the Maryland Association of Counties Legislative Committee, the Board of Trustees for The Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT) and as a Commissioner on the State of Maryland Critical Area Commission in addition to many other committees for Dorchester County’s best interest. When there is a need for effective representation, Don steps up and makes sure that Dorchester is represented and that Dorchester’s voice is heard.

I know that Don wants to continue and should continue his service to District One as Councilman with this remarkable council. During his first term, we have seen improved working relationship within the different departments of the County. I believe that the current council has implemented a more efficient hiring system for the county resulting in the hiring of some of the best and brightest employees and Department Heads.

The current county council has made fire, EMS and Law enforcement a priority and not an implement to push a personal or political agenda at the citizens’ expense.

Don has seen a more positive economic landscape, leading to business and development for Dorchester County. Accomplishments for the county which he has promoted and supported include:

• The new, long overdue, North Dorchester High School.

• The modernization and replacement of our county public safety communications system and equipment.

• Fitted the Council chambers with a multi-media system for ease of communication for citizens during county and other meetings.

• Increase funding for all 14 Dorchester County Budgets.

• New Land Preservation Recreation and Parks Plan 2017 has opened up project open space money and grants.

• New Solid Waste Plan 2017, the Hazard Mitigation Plan 2017 and the Flood Mitigation Plan which has provided the citizens with a 10% discount on flood insurance throughout the county,

• The Comprehensive Plan for Dorchester County updated:

o To provide reliable information for smart development.

o Delineate appropriate responses to environmental changes.

o Provide tools to plan for efficient use of limited resources.

o Provide the County with a 10 year outlook for land use.

Don wants to ensure Dorchester County’s Public Safety is of the highest quality to be able to protect its citizens. He realizes that Public services, schools, the work force and crime statistics are many of the factors evaluated by businesses, employers and employees when considering location and relocation. Consequently, student safety motivated Don to propose an additional $100,000 in this past budget to be spent directly on school security. He believes students should attend school to learn, teachers to teach, and parents should not fear for their child’s safety while at school.

Don has supported and the current council has taken an aggressive stand to bring Broadband and High Speed Internet to District One as well as other underserved areas of Dorchester County. He believes our children deserve the right to do homework at home, our citizens deserve the right to conduct research and business at home, and our businesses deserve the right to compete in a global world.

He believes that Dorchester County should continue to make every effort to take advantage of all available Grant Programs from the State and Federal Government in order to offset spending and to assist with future development. In years past, many opportunities were lost to indecision or simply “no action taken.” In order to move forward, one must learn from past mistakes.

Over his 65 years, Don has seen welcomed and unwelcomed change. He feels one must anticipate and plan for change rather than waiting to react. Yet he can be pragmatic. Planning for change allows our traditions and our life style to be preserved.

Following the saying “That a person making no mistakes is probably not doing anything at all,” Don has said “some plans don’t always work, but that’s better than no plan at all.”

I recommend citizens of District One get out and vote to support this candidate.

Joanna McCoy, DVM

Choptank Animal Hospital

430 Dorchester Ave.


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