Speak Up: Response to ‘What’s your vision of Dover?’


A public hearing March 22 presented Capital City 2030, a master plan for downtown Dover redevelopment that is set to include an amphitheater and riverwalk, new residences, a transit hub, a grocery store and parking garages. What questions would you ask about the proposal?

  • I was disappointed there was zero coverage this morning of the meeting. The city of Dover is sitting on a gold mine of historical heritage to attract and entertain visitors (if only developed and capitalized on), but that was not included in any part of the presentation that night. — Ellen Hart Richardson

Responses on property tax reassessment

House Bill 62 would mandate property reassessment in Delaware every five years, as well as bring parity to the way reassessments are done across the three counties. New Castle County properties were last reassessed in 1983, Kent County’s in 1987, and Sussex’s in 1974. A Court of Chancery ruling found the property taxing systems unconstitutional, which prompted the reassessment that is underway. What else should lawmakers consider about property tax reassessment?

  • If Delaware did a better job spending our tax dollars, I would have no problem. However, Delaware wastes so much of our tax money. I totally disagree with the reassessment and taxing citizens more only to waste the money. Start using our tax dollars more wisely. — Sandy Johnson
  • Consider the age and income of property owners. Older people living on fixed incomes cannot afford higher property taxes, especially the school taxes. Some counties offer discounts, but not all seniors on fixed incomes are at the poverty level, however, they cannot afford high property taxes. Seniors should be totally exempt from paying school taxes. They’ve paid their share when they had children in school. School boards should not have the right to dictate the amount of school taxes. Every school tax increase should require a referendum. — Cathy Thompson-Moore
  • Agreed and well said! — Dale Hurley
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