Marvel: Kudos to Welch for sticking with Dover’s history


I was delighted to see Tom Welch featured on Page 1 of the Delaware State News (“History comes alive for next Dover Days,” Oct. 5). As an avid amateur historian, I am looking forward to this living history opportunity, a first for the Dover Days Festival. Applause to the Dover Days Festival Committee for agreeing to proceed to add Mr. Welch’s vision to the celebration. I think we will all take away a new knowledge and appreciation of those who went before us. I cannot wait to discover who will be featured this coming May. My 7-year-old grandson met “Allen McLane” at last year’s Dover Days in the Old State House and couldn’t wait to tell me, “This man knew George Washington!” He will now be able to meet some of the other people who were part of our history through the reenactors. What a fun way to learn about Dover’s history for all of us but especially the younger generation!

Congratulations to Tom Welch for not giving up on his “calling.” Looking forward to Dover Days, the first Saturday in May 2024!

Bruce Marvel


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