Letter to the Editor: Big business customer disservice?


The Federal Trade Commission is considering a new rule requiring companies to offer an easy click-to-cancel option for subscriptions.

The last thing we should need is more government regulation, but big business is clearly asking for this one.

Many corporations have become huge via acquisitions, not by building trusting relationships with customers.

I’d like to do business with companies that treat me as though they care about me. Too many giant corporations obviously have other priorities.

Why else would they send me “do not reply” emails? Why can I subscribe with a click but be forced to call to cancel? If they’re too busy to answer when I call, why don’t they offer the option of a callback? If I have to wait, why must I listen to recorded pitches for their choice of music?

Why do they need the government to dictate to them how customers should be treated?

Joe Smyth

Scottsdale, Arizona

Please send your reactions — pro or con — to civiltalk@iniusa.org.

Editor’s note: Joe Smyth is a former board chair of Independent Newsmedia Inc. USA, the parent company of the Delaware State News. He’s now retired, and the opinions expressed here are his own.

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