Hettler: Convention of States could decrease poverty


In both Delaware and the United States as a whole, people are struggling to make ends meet due to increased government spending that results from new laws and social programs. This leads to increased money printing to cover the increased spending and results in a rise in the cost of living.

Where do legislators think the money to cover a program, such as paid family medical leave, comes from? That money must come from increased costs for products and services charged by the companies that need to pay for the medical leave. So, to cover paid family medical leave, the cost of everything increases. The very steps the Delaware legislature takes thinking they will help fight poverty actually cost everyone more.

Purchase of care for child care has the same effect. Where does the money to pay for child care come from? Taxes. So, the money is taken from the citizens, a huge percentage of it is wasted paying for the bureaucracy to implement the law, and then, the small amount that is left can go to help families pay for child care. Simply reducing taxes would be a far more effective way of saving people money, so they would have it to pay for child care.

Every time the government tries to help out by taking more money and spending it in a particular area that it thinks is best, a large majority of the money is wasted on overhead, and little is left to help struggling people — the very people from whom the money was originally taken.

This type of spending on social programs does not work well in Delaware or in the country as a whole. The citizens of our state and country want to stop the excessive spending by our government.

One of the goals of the Convention of States movement is to limit the spending of the federal government. If a federal spending amendment were passed, our citizens would not be struggling to pay their ever-increasing bills. Instead, they would be able to keep more of their own money to use in whatever way they deem most beneficial for the well-being of their families — not having the government tell them where it will be used.

To join us in limiting government spending, go to conventionofstates.com and sign the petition.

Dr. Tanya Hettler

Director, Center for Education Excellence, Caesar Rodney Institute

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