Speak Up: Beaches seeing early arrival of jellyfish


The Rehoboth Beach Patrol has confirmed that the three species of jellyfish and one close cousin common along Delaware’s coast have arrived earlier than usual this year. But the lifeguards and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control also note that the number of injuries has remained flat.

  • Yes, they are and have stung my girls as soon as they fell off the hot dog boat! — Keisha Gorman
  • If it’s red, avoid it! — Carol Alexander
  • We were kayaking in the bay at Fenwick Island over the Fourth, and there were so many jellyfish! — Heather Billger
  • Yes, they’re everywhere from Bethany to Ocean City, Maryland! My kids got stung a few times in the last few weeks already! — Brii Leigh
  • My 10-year-old grandson got stung last week. Stung for a while, and he said it was OK. They are surely early this summer. — Debby Pry
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