Clemens: It’s time to wake up and heal the world


We need to strive toward an aspirational model of proliferating the belief of attaining equality for all and not just “Make America Great Again” proposals here in America. We truly are in this all together, here and elsewhere in our world called “Mother Earth.” Don’t give up, folks.

However, not everyone will immediately see the beacon of light our Lady Liberty presents.

Adjudicated delinquents who were part of my caseload back in the day in Philadelphia were oftentimes masters of the flimflam. They continuously ran a game when you met with them, insisting they were now on the straight and narrow. My go-to slang phrase was that “they gagged themselves” for not being able to accept responsibility for their wrongdoings. Instead, a few of my probationers blamed me for not being “fair” when they violated probation for truancy or recidivism, or violated other rules of their probation. Unfortunately, their deviant behavior originated from the subcultural norms that proliferated on the streets, at home or from significant others. In essence, they were “sociopathic personalities.”

“The Donald” meets this above-stated profile to a T. Just about every time he tees off, he more often than not gets his followers to believe he literally had a hole-in-one or a first-place finish. He does, unequivocally, win a first-place finish for telling more lies than anyone else you or I will ever know. Most of us know his “type.”

Sociopathic personalities can be very convincing. The reality is that they are flimflam artists running a game on us. Buyer, beware! Let’s get on with the holistic mission of making our world a better place.

Bill Clemens


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