Delaware Superior Court recently struck down permanent absentee and early-voting laws for general elections, ruling on a complaint that the policies violate the state constitution. Judge Mark Conner’s decision was quickly appealed by the Department of Justice, though, with Attorney General Kathy Jennings calling the lawsuit “wrong on its merits and politically extreme on its face.” How do you feel about this case? How should voting move forward in this pivotal election year?
- Absentee voting: yes. Early: no! — Lisa White
- Only if you have doctor-noted medical issues, are military or have a condition that keeps you from being able to go out and vote. If you can go shopping, you can vote. — Howard Gaines III
- Yep. Anything else is giving the government a huge bunch of time to phony up as many ballots as they wish. — Máel Coluim Gerlach
- Both voting early and absentee are essential to the voting system. One day alone is not enough. People work two jobs a day. Some have no transportation. Some are in the military or away. All choices are needed. Or change Election Day to, like, three days, not one. — Denise Bella
- No! With the exception of military deployment. — Gary Sparks
- There is only one reason Republicans want to kill early voting and absentee ballots. Everyone knows what it is. The nonsense about fidelity to the state constitution is an absolute joke. I would have more respect for them if they would just stop lying through their teeth and admit the real reason. — Brian Horne
- Medical or military excuse, but if you can walk or go to Walmart, you can vote in person in November. — Dennis Orlando Jr.
- To maintain a fair election: 1.) Vote in person with a photo ID to prove legal citizenship and residency; and 2.) paper ballots. — Jon Walczak
- Early and permanent absentee voting is and should be a no-brainer if we truly are giving everyone access to vote! — Shirley