Speak Up: Construction begins on East Camden Bypass


The wheels — and earth movers — officially got into motion on the $40 million East Camden Bypass on July 8, aiming to ease congestion and improve safety for all modes of transportation.

  • If you research roundabouts, you’ll find they ease congestion and reduce accidents exponentially. With the population explosion in the area, these projects are necessary. — Jason William
  • It’ll probably go way over that figure. — Glen Divel
  • So, ignoring the houses popping up like weeds, let’s build two-lane roads and install a circular crash test center. — Robert K. Dunstan
  • I ride my bike through this intersection frequently. This looks like a huge improvement! — John Hayes
  • Should be a great improvement for a chaotic area! — Troy Raber
  • I agree. It is so needed. — Diane Zmolil Houlihan
  • Good luck with that! Too much traffic on U.S. 13, especially at the end of the day. They should have made the P.O.W./M.I.A. Parkway dump out below Camden, and they need to not have the toll until after Dover on Del. 1. People would stay on longer, and that would take some traffic away. — Luciano Guisti
  • Huge road mess coming very soon! — Holly Hitzig
  • I can’t wait for the traffic on Del. 10 at U.S. 13 to be backed up onto the circle. — David Csizmar
  • That thing is going to be a mess. The amount of vehicles coming down Del. 10 is probably going to jam that up. — Jason Boller
  • I live two minutes from this about-to-be monstrosity. I cannot imagine the backups this will cause during rush hour. I like the part from the high school across, but the circle is too close to the highway. — Lesley Bird
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