Sparks fly at Dover City Council over treasurer interview committee

By Benjamin Rothstein
Posted 7/22/24

DOVER—A discussion on the makeup of an interview committee for the city’s Controller/Treasurer position sparked anger among council members during Monday’s city council meeting. …

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Sparks fly at Dover City Council over treasurer interview committee


DOVER—A discussion on the makeup of an interview committee for the city’s Controller/Treasurer position sparked anger among council members during Monday’s city council meeting.

The committee, which is made up of Council people Tricia Arndt, Julia Pillsbury, Fred Neil and Gerald Rocha, closely resembles previous interview committees, save for Dr. Pillsbury replacing Andre Boggerty, who removed himself from the committee due to knowing one of the applicants for the position.

Originally a consent agenda item, to be passed with little to no discussion, Councilman Brian Lewis early on requested to take a closer look at the item. He wanted a modification, namely adding Councilman Roy Sudler to the committee, as well as city human resources director Naomi Poole. Mr. Lewis argued that Ms. Poole should be present to maintain integrity in the process.

It was then noted that Ms. Poole was always going to be a part of the process, leaving the only point of discussion to be the inclusion of Councilman Sudler.

Immediately, Councilman Bill Hare brought up that having five council people on the committee would be a mistake. That would be the majority of the nine-person city council, meaning that any candidates chosen by the committee would pass through the required city council vote regardless of the opinion of the remaining four members.

Councilman Andre Boggerty, however, held a different issue with Mr. Lewis’ requested changes.

“For the process to be questioned as to make sure it’s integral, as if my colleagues don’t have integrity ... I think that’s pretty outlandish to think that these individuals who have served, who have represented the city, continue to represent the city, for their integrity to be questioned for a hire,” said Councilman Boggerty. “Even when I don’t agree with them on points, for them to be considered less than integral for (the) hire process, it speaks volumes of what we think of each other.”

Mr. Lewis returned fire.

“Councilman Boggerty can put a twist on this all he wants to, and he’s entitled to his own opinion, but my concern is, I’ve been told that some current members on the committee have expressed support for one particular candidate. So that’s why I’m bringing it to the attention of the public. So everybody is aware,” said Councilman Lewis.

Councilman Boggerty did the same.

“Don’t blame me if you aren’t able to articulate your point, because you can play it back. You questioned the integrity of my colleagues. So, if you need to clarify your statement, so be it,” he said.

Councilwoman Arndt, who will chair the committee, attempted to cool tensions.

“I do think that it will be of the utmost integrity. We will do our due diligence and interview the candidates,” she said. “My assumption was always that the HR director would be there through every step of the process to guide us to make sure that there’s no missteps to make sure that everything is done as it should be.”

Finally, Councilman Sudler ended the discussion.

“It’s clear that some dissension or some division or some tension is going on here and I don’t think it brings out the best spirit of City Council,” he said. “I don’t want to be part of the committee with this tone ...

“In the end, we will have to work together. Our vote reflects upon the city of Dover and the city of Dover is bigger than this. Council is bigger than this. And I just hope and pray that Council persons that have personal issues with each other, y’all need to work it out, because it’s just it’s showing that we’re not together and it’s hurting us.”

Councilman Sudler declined Mr. Lewis’ request to put him on the committee, leading to Mr. Lewis rescinding the request. The vote passed nearly unanimously, with only Councilman Lewis opposing.

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