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'Sleepers' film debuts in Middletown, wider reach sought

By Craig Anderson
Posted 6/15/24

MIDDLETOWN — A production filmed mostly in Delaware made its debut at the Everett Theatre Friday, and served as a reunion of sorts.

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things to do

'Sleepers' film debuts in Middletown, wider reach sought

Early arrivals wait for the film "Sleepers" at the Everett Theatre in Middletown Friday.
Actor Arianna Fox talks about the film "Sleepers" that was shot mostly in Delaware.


MIDDLETOWN — A production filmed mostly in Delaware made its debut at the Everett Theatre Friday, serving as a reunion of sorts.

The cast and crew that created the suspenseful and action-filled movie “Sleepers” gathered at the 101-year-old downtown venue for its premiere.

Actor Arianna Fox, who plays the lead role of a Russian sleeper agent planted in the United States, said the hard work from all resulted in a film of which she’s extremely proud.

“We all had a really good chemistry and worked together well and that means so much to work together behind the scenes, backstage and it transmits well to the front of the stage,” the 17-year-old Milford resident said.

Mike Fox, the film’s writer, director and father of the lead actor, said he was pleased with the wide-ranging cast and values evoked in the film.

“The main thing I’d like to show of this is that it’s very diverse in its age, its culture, nationalities and the overall arc is that we live in an America with faith, family, love and freedoms and yet in a strategic way, a fun and adventurous way, show that ‘Hey, we got it good,’” the Milford resident said.

Among the actors in the film was Paul Norris of Bear, who played the part of a Russian bodyguard. He described the work as an “amazing experience” and said Mr. Fox was “a great guy, super professional, classy.”

Mr. Norris said he expected fight scenes to be especially entertaining for audiences.

Mr. Fox expected a crowd of up to 250 people on a night when military veterans were honored as well

Being in the Everett Theatre for opening night was especially exciting for Ariana Fox.

“It’s such an honor to be here,” she said. “I’m someone who likes old and classic things. So to be able to perform in a theater that’s 101 years old is insane and such a pleasure and honor,” she said.

The next step, Mr. Fox said, is to find a distributor for the film — which includes the tagline “Being the Best Has a Price” — to expand its reach.

“We are in talks with many possible distributors,” he said. “Because we are not a Hollywood budget, we have to take a very methodical approach to who is going to be the best person to distribute this both domestic and international.”

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