Robinson: ‘Crisis to end all others’ requires climate action now


Thank you, Mr. Ron Sadler, for outlining specific actions each of us can take to help mitigate the worst consequences of a warming planet (“The climate movement needs you,” Oct. 28). This beautiful planet needs your help. I understand how difficult it is to believe the dire predictions of sea level rise, more deadly fires, flooding, food and shelter shortages, climate-caused migration, species extinction, increase in disease, etc.

But, please, realize that these things are happening now, and climate experts from around this world predict the trend will get much worse unless we stop burning fossil fuel, remove much of the carbon now in the atmosphere and rapidly switch to clean renewable sources of electricity to meet our needs for our homes and transportation. This is the crisis to end all others!

Though it might take away some of your time and be a bit inconvenient, we all can do something: Contact all elected members of Congress and join with one or more groups who are already making a difference. It isn’t easy to challenge the wealthy and powerful petrochemical corporations and the control they have in influencing energy policy, but their denials and greed are killing our planet. You will feel better about your future knowing that you are attempting to prevent the loss of all living systems on Earth that are too precious to lose. Take a walk on the beach or in the woods or a park and think of all that we have to gain by getting involved.

Jeanette Robinson


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