HARRINGTON — The Delaware State Fair opens at noon Thursday to lots of hungry, people-watching, thrill-seeking fairgoers.
To satisfy a few cravings of those working the fair and staying on the grounds, members of the Delaware Farm Bureau Women’s Committee will offer up nice, hearty breakfasts. Thanks to the extended hours of the group’s food booth, pancakes, eggs and bacon have been added to the list of traditional fair grub.
The committee has run a stand in Harrington since 1954, typically starting with lunch around 10 a.m. This year, however, the windows will open at 8 to catch an early crowd.
“The big part of it was being able to supply breakfast, especially for the show people and all of the people in the animal barns,” said Laura Hill, the committee’s chair. “There’s a lot of traffic from the people staying on the fairgrounds for various activities. ... We didn’t want to compete with what was already offered, so we’re strictly doing platters with scrambled eggs, pancakes and bacon.”
She added that the expanded hours will allow her group to raise even more funds over the 10 days of fair festivities.
“This is a fundraiser to fund our scholarship program. That’s the main thing, and it also helps fund other programming,” Ms. Hill said. “In the past, we have donated money to the Ronald McDonald House, Code Purple and other organizations.”
The booth, in front of the main grandstand, next to Harrington Raceway & Casino, also offers money-earning opportunities to other associations that volunteer to serve. Plus, there is a need for individuals to set up the stand Monday and close it July 31, both at 8:30 a.m.
“We’re providing community service options to the kids and groups that volunteer,” Ms. Hill said. “Organizations like 4-H and (National FFA Organization) groups receive a donation from the Women’s Committee for helping work the booth for a certain set of hours. We operate off of volunteers. We couldn’t do this without them.”
For information or to volunteer this year or next, visit defb.org or contact the Delaware Farm Bureau at 302-697-3183.
Staff writer Mike Finney can be reached at 302-741-8230 or mfinney@iniusa.org. Follow @MikeFinneyDSN on Twitter.