peel back effect

Pritchett: Be very afraid as presidents transition


In an era of multiplying natural disasters — such as extreme floods resulting from supercharged storms, extended droughts with horrific wildfires and a hundred-year pandemic — we are about to transition from a president whose basic instinct in a crisis or emergency is to ask, “What can I do to help?” to a president whose first instinct is to blame, attack, insult and actually revel in the pain of other people, always with the underlying motive of “What’s in it for me?”

What could possibly go wrong?

In addition, he is also incompetent and mismanaged the only major crisis of his first term by lying about the serious danger of the COVID-19 virus, telling us that it would soon go away on its own and recommending that we try useless remedies, such as hydroxychloroquine or the injection of bleach. His horrific mismanagement almost surely led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. We will be facing more natural disasters over the next four years, almost surely due to climate change, and we are going to be led by someone who says that it is all a “hoax.” The German statesman Otto von Bismarck is reputed to have said, “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards and the United States of America.” We must now hope that Bismarck was correct.

Daniel Pritchett


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