peel back effect

Mercante: School board members help kids succeed


Nancy Mercante had a career in corporate communications in the financial, pharmaceutical and telecommunications industries. Two years ago, she founded Citizens for Delaware Schools, a nonpartisan nonprofit, to advocate for a better education for every student in the state.

“Our educational system is in the grip of a crisis caused by low standards, lack of purpose, ineffective use of resources and a failure to challenge students to push performance to the boundaries of individual ability” — President Ronald Reagan after the release of “A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform,” a report he commissioned 42 years ago.

The problems in education that President Reagan highlighted from “A Nation at Risk” still hold true today. We’ve lost too many generations to a poor education. It’s past time we fixed Delaware’s failing school system, which is near the bottom in the nation in academic achievement, while near the top in spending per student. Is it fair to children of public schools that we, as a community, are failing them because we don’t demand better?

How do we start? By electing local school boards filled with common sense members. Citizens who step forward as board of education candidates could have an enormous impact in bringing a return to academic excellence to Delaware.

Serving on a school board enables you to:

  • Support student and educator success
  • Promote transparency and accountability
  • Collaborate with the community and parents
  • Uplift children’s lives

The founding of this country depends on citizens becoming involved in government, including public education. While we certainly need educators on our boards, we also need business leaders, community representatives and, especially, parents. These are the kinds of people who are better connected with the broader needs of our areas.

The best candidates are principled, good listeners, who are willing to learn and advocate for the education and well-being of students in ways that align with the shared values of our neighbors.

Becoming a school board member is a chance to make a direct impact on the future of education. It’s also a way to drive common sense reform that will make all Delaware schools effective centers of learning again. As a board of education member, you can expect a multifaceted role that involves governance, oversight of the superintendent and budgets, setting educational policies and community engagement.

Now is the time to decide if this position appeals to you.

Mark your calendar! March 7 at 4:30 p.m. is the deadline to file as a candidate for a school board election. The requirements to run are that you live in the school district of the open seat, you are not currently a paid employee in that district, you pass a background check, and you have a passion for helping kids. Go to the Delaware Department of Elections website for details.

May 12 is election day. Vote!

Visit to see which seats are up for election.

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