Lakey: Walz’s ‘lack of integrity’ is disturbing


I read another letter to the Daily State News that offered incorrect information. The writer’s letter was an attack on J.D. Vance, basically saying that a corporal (Vance) is less trustworthy than a command sergeant major (Tim Walz) in a political position (“Should Republicans be urging VP nominee to ‘go, J.D., go’?”).

It has been documented by the National Guard, as well as former Guard members who served with him, that Walz only served briefly in the rank of command sergeant major; he was in too big a hurry to get out of the Guard so that he wouldn’t have to deploy, or as he says, he wanted to run for office.

I am a 32-year military person, and I, like the people who served with Walz have stated, am more appalled by Walz’s lack of integrity than by Vance’s attacks on a political opponent, which is standard politics.

Self-proclaimed “nonmilitary persons” probably shouldn’t speak for those who have served.

Stan Lakey


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