Georgetown unveils bench sponsorship program

By Glenn Rolfe
Posted 11/8/22

GEORGETOWN — A bench sponsorship program is under way in the town of Georgetown, structured to beautify the town while offering opportunities to honor loved ones and promote or commemorate …

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Georgetown unveils bench sponsorship program


GEORGETOWN — A bench sponsorship program is under way in the town of Georgetown, structured to beautify the town while offering opportunities to honor loved ones and promote or commemorate special events.

The program, discussed at the Oct. 24 council meeting, is designed to assist the town, through donor funding, to install benches in town parks and various streetscapes that have been identified as appropriate and suitable.

“One of the other goals was to identify different areas within the core of town that we might want to add additional benches, planters, etc.,” said Town Manager Eugene Dvornick.

Benches, made by Pennsylvania-based Keystone Ridge Designs, will be the standard Atlanta Bench model, like those already located in the town.

Size options include 4, 6 and 8-foot lengths. The average bench cost, depending on style, is $1,500 to $2,500, including inscription and installation by the town public works department.

The town will be responsible for the installation of each bench. However, all costs related to bench fabrication, installation and inscription/plaque are the responsibility of the sponsor.

“Where are these benches going?” asked Councilwoman Angela Townsend.

“We’ll identify different areas,” said Mr. Dvornick.

Suitable locations may include at a small informational kiosk at Parsons Lane, the trail head parking area, and “we’re working with the developers of the Village of College Park on a war memorial for the Vietnam veterans,” Mr. Dvornick said.

The town may limit the number of memorial benches that can be placed within any park, open space, or other town maintained property.

Any individuals, nonprofits or organizations interested should contact the town manager. Upon request, staff will review specific bench areas with interested donors.

The plan would be to accumulate requests and place the order in early 2023, as Keystone Ridge Designs does free shipping in the month of February, Mr. Dvornick said.

For more information, stop by the Town Administrative Offices, 37 The Circle, Georgetown, or call 302-856-7391.

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