
Delaware State University joins Milford Wellness Village with geriatric program

By Elle Wood
Posted 7/29/24

MILFORD – Delaware State University will be working with the Milford Wellness Village to provide experiences for students. In 2019, Delaware State University began conversations with Education, …

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Delaware State University joins Milford Wellness Village with geriatric program


MILFORD — Delaware State University will be working with the Milford Wellness Village to provide experiences for students.

In 2019, Delaware State University began conversations with Education, Health and Research International about building a presence at the Milford Wellness Village. After a few breaks in the talks over about a year and half, the project is now coming to fruition.

With the help of Sen. Tom Carper, Delaware State University was awarded a five-year, $5 million grant by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This will fund Delaware State University’s Geriatric Workplace Enhancement Program at Milford Wellness Village, announced July 26.

The initiative will provide and develop a curriculum for training health care workers to provide the best possible care for aging seniors and improve overall well-being.

“One thing that we can and need to do is put together a trained workforce to work with people my age,” said Sen. Carper. “This will make sure that we have the ability to be not just functional but make contributions.”

Delaware State is excited to extend their work in lower Delaware for the first time.

“It is a special and unique opportunity for Delaware State University,” said Tom Allen, president of the university. “This is the first time we will have significant presence in Sussex County.”

Education, Health and Research International was in search of an institution to partner with for the project. They noticed the lack of educational opportunities in southern Delaware.

“To fill an education gap in southern Delaware, EHRI has been looking for the perfect education partner,” said Rabbi Y. Halberstam, the director of public affairs for the organization. “Today, thanks to the help of the vision of the leadership at Delaware State, we have found our educational partner.”

Many students at Delaware State University are looking for more opportunities to learn in a clinical setting earlier in their education.

“What our students want are more opportunities earlier in their articulation process,” said Mr. Allen. “And that is what they deserve.”

The project has not been easy for any party involved, but they were able to get it done.

“As the saying goes, ‘It takes a village,’” said Rabbi Halberstam. “In our case, we like to say, ‘It takes a village to create the Milford Wellness Village.’”

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