Daniels: Zero leadership yields terrible results


Frank Daniels is a retired colonel with the U.S. Army Reserve and a Dover resident.

There have been two assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump, and the only thing the fools in Washington, D.C., are discussing is more money for the Secret Service. What is absolutely needed is a total change in leadership, and that must start at the top with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Joe is out in four months, and Kamala must never be elected. Additionally, secretary of homeland security Alejandro Mayorkas, who oversees the Secret Service, must go.

The absolute silence we’ve heard from the big three (Joe, Kamala and Alejandro) concerning the assassination attempts should scare every American voter. Instead of absolutely and publicly condemning those attempts, all we’ve gotten is the continued drumbeat of comments that Trump is a dangerous man, who would destroy our constitutional republic. What is actually true is that those three would do everything in their power to continue their path of our republic’s destruction.

Unfortunately, the majority of articles I’ve seen printed on this website concerning former President Trump are the talking points of the Democratic Party and its major sycophants, our national news and print media. When is the last time you read or heard a TV review of anything other than remarks like “Trump is a dangerous man, who wants to be a dictator, and there will be a bloodbath if he loses.” Both of those statements are false, but who cares? Tell a lie enough times, through enough people and organizations, it becomes the truth.

Trump deraignment syndrome is alive and well, and pushed everyday by the big three and their sycophants. Forget that Iran and probably many others would love to see Trump dead. Instead of understanding or caring about this real danger to our nation, the big three and their sycophants keep up the constant and consistent beat that Trump is a real danger. The only danger Trump represents is the danger to the Democratic Party and its socialistic policies.

The leaders at the top of the current administration, Joe and Kamala, are nothing more than marionettes controlled by Barack Obama and his belief that we are nothing more than a racist nation that needs to be totally reimagined. As we get closer to the election, remember Kamala’s comment that “my values haven’t changed.” What do we really know about her, as all we have seen and heard from her is that she is a caring person, who thinks like the majority of the American public? That’s nice, but what kind of leader will she be of this great nation?

When Kamala talks about an “opportunity economy” and “investments” in the middle class, she’s really talking about income redistribution and socialism based on continued, enormous, unfunded government spending. Nothing changes by replacing Joe with Kamala. Our taxes will skyrocket, and inflation will again rear its ugly head. Bad-mouth Trump all you want, but do you want another four years of Joe?

We’ve all experienced the disastrous last four years under the marionette Joe. A vote for Kamala, an even larger marionette, gets us another four years of Obama socialism. Unfortunately, the world is currently in a precarious position, with the possibility of World War III on the horizon.

Appeasement as the basis for foreign policy has caused the war in Ukraine to be prolonged and has stymied the heroic efforts of Israel to defeat Hamas and Hezbollah. Listen to Kamala, whom I believe is a supporter of Hamas, and understand that a vote for her only exacerbates the possibility of another World War.

I firmly believe Kamala Harris, whose history proves she is a hard-core Marxist, lacks the true intestinal fortitude, an understanding of basic economics as it relates to our capitalistic system and an idea of what a strong foreign policy really is to sit in the Oval Office and represent the United States of America.

For all of you who will continue to write about Trump’s dangers, I challenge you to write an article about how Kamala’s policies concerning our capitalistic system, the border, abortion and international relations are worth your vote.

You can hate Trump all you like; however, when you vote — and please, vote — remember what it truly means. If you choose a shallow marionette, who continues to hide what she truly believes in, vote for Kamala. If she wins, prepare yourself for four more years of Bidenomics and — even scarier — the distinct possibility of WWIII.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at civiltalk@iniusa.org.

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