Daniels: What is our country becoming?


Frank Daniels is a retired colonel with the U.S. Army Reserve and a Dover resident.

Our world is engulfed in two incredibly dangerous wars, and our northern and southern borders are wide open to anyone who wants entry. Sadly, our senior leadership has abandoned all sense of responsibility or caring for Americans ravaged by Hurricane Helene, while, at the same time, has provided close to a trillion dollars for millions of illegal aliens. Where are our priorities and what kind of country have we become?

I believe our country’s downfall started with the election of Barack Obama in 2008. He planted the seeds of diversity, equity and inclusion, as he felt we were a terribly racist nation that needed to be reimagined. He also believed our police needed to be reimagined and that meritocracy was the fuel of racism that needed to be replaced by DEI. As such, he championed the concept of critical race theory and its use in our further eroding and failing secondary educational system.

The damage he did to our nation in the eight years of his presidency was being unraveled by President Donald Trump, when a mistake(?) in a Chinese lab unleashed COVID-19 on the world. To further complicate the unraveling of Obama’s destructive policies, President Trump, the first real nonpolitician elected to the presidency, was twice impeached on totally false pretenses. The Democrats didn’t care; Trump was an absolute danger to their socialistic policies and, in their minds, had to be eliminated. Just listen to how they talk about him on a daily basis.

While Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are pushing their socialistic ideas on our nation, all you ever hear from our terribly biased print and news media are daily snippets that Donald Trump is something other than a human being who will destroy our nation. Those sentiments are pushed nonstop by Kamala and Joe. Never attack Trump’s policies; attack the person and constantly refer to him as nothing but dangerous and evil. In the eyes of our print and news media, Trump is a subhuman who must be eliminated. Is it no wonder there have been multiple assassination attempts on his life?

Running from his basement, Joe Biden somehow managed to win the 2020 presidential election and selected Kamala Harris as his vice president. With an incredibly twisted and biased national print and news media, the attacks on former President Trump continued and virtually every Trump policy was either canceled or removed by Kamala and Joe. Obama’s socialistic policies were reinstituted, and diversity, equity and inclusion once again became the mantra of the land.

Kamala’s support for Joe’s policies led to what I believe was the worst decision in the history of the presidency, when Joe, with Kamala in the room, OK’d the disorganized and totally disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. That withdrawal cost 13 American service members their lives, as the decision was based on politics, not the best interest of our nation. The Afghanistan withdrawal showed the entire world weakness and appeasement from Kamala and Joe. With that knowledge, Russia invaded Ukraine, and Hamas viciously attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, restarting the current war in the Middle East. World War III is on the horizon, unless we get a new and strong president in the White House. And, from my perspective, that is definitely not Kamala.

Because Kamala and Joe support the tenets of DEI and are fully supportive of the transgender movement, boys or men who proclaim to be girls or women are now allowed to compete in women’s sports. Forget Title IX and what it truly meant to women’s athletics. Kamala’s and Joe’s unconditional support of the transgender movement backs the concept that, if your child, regardless of age, wants to change sexes, parents should have no say in what the federal government is funding and allowing. Additionally, the use of personal pronouns is now the law of the land, and God forbid you chose not to use them.

Given the above, is it no wonder our nation is so separated? We have lost the concept of respect for our fellow human beings, especially if we disagree with them politically. Sadly, rather than have a rational debate on why we disagree with various policy issues, too many individuals resort to personal attacks. When Hillary Clinton called Americans who supported Trump “deplorables,” did she really understand that she was calling 60 million-plus American voters that word or did she just not care?

As we approach the 2024 presidential and congressional elections, understand what is truly happening across our great nation. The Democrats engineered a coup and ousted Joe because he was going to lose and lose big. They installed Kamala as their selection to be president, a far-left radical politician from California who didn’t have one solitary vote during the Democratic primary process. When asked on “The View” if she would change any of Joe’s policies or actions, she responded, “I can’t think of anything.” Therefore, a vote for Kamala is a vote of four more years of Joe’s (Obama’s) policies.

As I have said previously, hate Trump all you want but don’t throw our country away because of that hatred. Under Kamala, nothing will change, and we will continue to see rampant government spending, more inflation, an open border, men and boys in girls’ sports, and foreign policy based on appeasement, which could very, very easily lead us into World War III.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at civiltalk@iniusa.org.

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