Frank Daniels is a retired colonel with the U.S. Army Reserve and a Dover resident.
The Democratic elites orchestrated a coup against our sitting president for one simple reason: He was going to lose. This isn’t the first time they’ve orchestrated a maneuver to remove whom they consider a loser. They eliminated Bernie Sanders in 2020 because he was on track to win the Democratic nomination for president, and he would have never beaten Donald Trump. Instead, they gave us old, doddering Joe Biden, and we all know how that is going to end. The elite Democrats’ sole reason for existence is to win, at any and all cost. Forget their constant and insistent claim that Trump is a danger to democracy. The greatest danger to our constitutional republic today is the Democratic Party.
Joe’s fate was engineered by the Democratic elite when they got him to agree to debate Trump early in the campaign. That 90 minutes exposed what all the elites have known for a long time, and it was just a matter of time before they could force him to withdraw. The lies we have been told about how brave Joe was to withdraw only shows just how little the Democratic elites believe in this country and its voters. Their promise to have an open selection for Joe’s replacement was nothing more than a smoke screen, as they already knew Kamala Harris was the successor.
Within 96 hours of Joe’s withdrawal, Kamala Harris had raised close to $200 million for her presidential run and secured enough Democratic votes to make any challenge against her impractical. Anyone who believes that that incredibly extreme California leftist could develop and execute a plan to raise that much money and secure the votes necessary to get the nomination at the convention that fast has his or her head buried in the sand. The plan to have Kamala succeed Joe was hatched and executed in the smoke-filled backrooms of the Democratic elite long before the debate.
Immediately after Kamala started flaunting her move to replace Joe, the Democratic Party, with its print and news media support, began her recasting. Forget her dismal record in the Senate and as vice president; tout what she did in the extreme leftist state of California. Her incredible failures in California are swamped by her extraordinary failures as our vice president.
If you review her record as vice president, you realize she’s done absolutely nothing. Forget that the Democrats and media are telling us that she was never the “border czar.” She was and did nothing to stop the immoral flow of illegal immigrants into this country. With respect to any type of policy, she has nothing to run on and will only continue the absolutely terrible and irresponsible policies of Joe Biden. Never forget that she is a key part of the incredibly incompetent Biden-Harris administration.
She is currently running on the theme of “I was the prosecutor, and Trump is the felon.” That theme won’t last, as she’ll eventually have to describe her fiscal, monetary and foreign policies. As we’ve heard her speak in the past concerning these policies, it will mean incredibly more wasteful government spending, extremely higher taxes, the further demise of our education system, more socialism, a continued open border, more fentanyl deaths, a stronger push for the Green New Deal, increased placation of Iran (as shown by her support for Hamas) and the continued bad-mouthing of Israel.
Kamala Harris is a clone of Barack Obama, that slick-talking snake oil salesman who sold us on “hope and change,” while all he really wanted was to transform this country into his idea of socialism. Like Obama, she has little, if any, love for this great nation of ours. She is an incredibly dangerous woman (I wonder if she can define “woman”), who will destroy the democracy we have developed since our humble beginnings over 240 years ago.
This November, a vote for her or any Democrat will be an absolute waste of your God-given right to vote and signal your agreement with more socialism, open borders, more fentanyl deaths, higher taxes, less freedom, an inferior education system and a much more dangerous world. Her ignorance of what’s truly happening in Ukraine and Israel could lead us into a world war. Sadly, given the current state of our woke military, which she had a hand in making, the result could be disastrous for this country.
The Democratic elites believe that you, an American voter, are nothing more than a country bumpkin, who can be deceived and lied to whenever necessary. The truth means nothing to them; it’s all about winning, regardless of the real cost to our great nation.
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