Candidate for Governor: Bobby Williamson

Posted 9/4/24

Candidate Name :  Bobby Williamson

Office you are seeking: Governor

Party :  Republican

Age : 59

Hometown : Bridgeville,  Delaware

Political experience : By …

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Candidate for Governor: Bobby Williamson


Candidate Name:  Bobby Williamson

Office you are seeking: Governor

Party:  Republican

Age: 59

Hometown: Bridgeville,  Delaware

Political experience: By not being a politician, it provides the ability to see what is needed as well as the concerns through the eyes of the citizens of Delaware and will allow me to give them a true voice. Also by not being part of the government or political organizations it means that I am not beholding to any party expectations or outside financial influences. I have not been bought and paid for, unlike some of the others.  

Professional experience: Owner and operator of 6 local productive businesses that have served the people of Delaware reliably. In running any successful business a need to have a strong skill set in budgeting, scheduling, problem solving, money management, prioritizing, communication, and the ability of working with people is a must. Knowing how to find the proper long-lasting solutions that moves all objectives and people forward together to reach common beneficial goals.

 What uniquely qualifies you for this office? 

Being born and raised in Delaware and have the knowledge of what makes our state so wonderful that it has drawn in so many people here for retirement and to seek residence in conjunction to also know how that relates to what is needed to keep these same details intact so our little state doesn’t become consumed.

 What are the top three issues for this office in your view? 

To answer for only three top issues is an injustice to the numerous amount of issues that need attending to. The way to repairing our states problems and improving the lives for all the citizens of Delaware leads to recognizing that each issue is intertwined and has effects on the other key issues, in turn, all the issues intersect with each other. So to fix one issue properly, all issues are needing to be corrected. All issues can be progressively improved upon together and the positive improvements can now hold-fast because the repairs to the adjoining issues will help support any positive changes and repairs being made. Like a spider web, it takes all points to have a solid foundation and good connections with its surroundings to support the delicate fabric of society.  The protection of all constitutional rights and dismissal of unwarranted mandates. Removing the threat to our children by social experimental indoctrination and brain washing while restoring qualified education and educators through an individual allotment voucher system giving the rights of the child and the parents a choice of the schooling institutions and career pathways.

 What would be your top priority if elected? 

To give a voice back to all the citizens of Delaware. To put restrictions on the heavy hand of governmental over-reach and controlling mandates that are currently hurting Delaware’s growth and productivity which is making the citizens suffer. While implementing a Government over-site program to allow transparency so the taxpayers can see how their tax dollars are being spent.

If you could change or protect one state policy or law, what would it be?

To protect the free enterprise system. Through that is how America was built, the backbone of our nation. Governmental mandates and political kick-back influences are leading to the destruction of an equal and progressive society. The innovators and hard workers have a right to live and provide for their families without the profiteering political obstructions.

 What can Delaware do about its workforce issues?

There are many causes affecting this issue. Areas of solutions can be incorporated through education, inspiration through less handouts, boundaries of governmental poverty wage tactics, boundaries of property and housing availability / affordability aimed to retain the younger workforce and families within the state.

  How would you protect or change state employee benefits?

 Working with a statewide board of representatives for the state employees and retired state workers to provide a positive voice in making any changes or advancements to the already in place benefit package. To note, any benefit package is foremost a part of the employee’s income or salary and to lesson any part of it would be breaking of a contract that was agreed upon at the beginning time of employment.

 What would you do to improve the quality of education in the First State?

Reinstate a working educational curriculum. Institute an individual allotment voucher system, which would lead to providing better teacher salaries to good teachers. Encourage strong parental influences within the schools. Better connections with teaching skills to the child through learning subjects related to the child’s goals of ambition. Removal of distractions from the school system from unteachable disobedience, social experiment indoctrinating, over paid numerous administrators. Making schools safe for the students and teachers. Returning the skill grading level back to a normal , lowering the bar doesn’t produce smarter children.

 What issues do you strongly support and would not compromise?

Protecting our children and defeating the evil, no matter where it might hide.

 How do you improve civility and thoughtful dialog in Delaware politics?

By not approving any bill that hasn’t had a proper debate back and forth between all parties and that the citizens of Delaware have been properly informed and represented along with time to respond and react, all to let the voices be heard.

 How do you perceive the “Delaware way” today?

Delaware is being divided up amongst the elite and the elderly and if changes aren’t made to include the Delaware born generational families and the hard working 9 to 5ers along with those of modest means, the imbalance will leave many voids in the skilled labor workforce and the steady tax paying citizens. With the growth of the medical fields here in Delaware and already a shortage of qualified personnel shows the drastic needs to reunite and include all people of Delaware.  

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