MD Vote 2024

Cambridge Election 2024 Ward 4 candidate Dave Cannon


Editor’s Note: On October 19, 2024, voters in the City of Cambridge will select from a field of candidates for City Council and Mayor.

CAMBRIDGE - In August, the Banner reached out to each candidate with questions and will be posting their answers in full on Bay-to-Bay News during the week of Sept. 23–30, and in upcoming Dorchester Banner print editions.

If print edition space is limited, a link to each full response on Bay-to-Bay News will be provided.

City Council Candidates – Ward 4: Dave Cannon (Editor’s note – Cannon is Marketing Consultant for the Dorchester Banner/Bay to Bay News/Independent New Media)

What inspired you to run for City Council in 2024?

I guess you could say my inspiration to run for city council again comes from being born and raised here in Cambridge and wanting what’s best for our community. You know it doesn’t matter your social status, what part of town you live in or your economic situation everyone deserves a safe place to live, a clean environment both homes and streets and a community that is working together for the betterment of all. I really don’t have a single focus from day one, my focus continues from my previous time on the council, making sure the community revitalization programs continue, everyone in our community is treated fairly and of course our waterfront development is done with the best interest of the citizens of Cambridge in mind.

Please comment on any qualifications or background you feel would be especially beneficial to serving on City Council?

I believe love of the city, ability to research the specific issues, reach out to professionals with questions you may have and ability to listen to the public opinions with an open mind are all essential when making decisions concerning the city. Over my many years working with or dealing with the public and business owners I have learned to listen before I act.

Can you pinpoint one or more area(s) of personal and/or professional growth which would be a special strength of City Council?

There is no one thing, it’s a combination of personal life experiences, working with the business community along with growing up in Cambridge and understanding the unique history of our community and some good old common sense.

Comment on any (or all) of the following issues currently facing Cambridge. Feel free to add any additional issues:

1)Juvenile curfew and positive youth initiatives - seems to be working, I think it should continue.

2)Cambridge Waterfront development, YMCA - I’m not a fan of the YMCA moving to our waterfront, there are a couple of locations I think would be better if the Y must move.

3)Flooding mitigation efforts - Our flood problems have been with us for a lifetime, but finally seem to be getting the attention it needs, the work needs to continue.

4)Safe, affordable housing - This has always been an issue, we should form a board including citizens, code officials, council members and landlords to evaluate the progress/process of our code enforcement efforts.

5)Growing and sustaining Main Street and Pine Street - Taking advantage of the revitalization programs that are available would help both Main Street and the Pine Street areas grow along with working together with the Cambridge Economic Development Department would help the businesses located on the streets.

How would you help contribute to moving Cambridge forward? Addressing the past? Bringing the city together?

Job creation, somehow bringing good paying jobs to our community is a key and would go a long way in moving Cambridge and Dorchester County forward, our tourism and downtown area can’t do it all. With the influx of people moving here from out of the area, a thriving manufacturing business environment would help us move forward.
People need to work and feel they can raise their family in a safe and secure community. I would work with our local and state professionals in any way I could to help them do their jobs.

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