Cambridge candidate filing forms available now

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Posted 7/9/24

The wide-open Cambridge city election set for Oct. 19 is just over three months away, and candidate filing forms are available now.

All five City Council seats and the at-large mayor position …

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Cambridge candidate filing forms available now


The wide-open Cambridge city election set for Oct. 19 is just over three months away, and candidate filing forms are available now.

All five City Council seats and the at-large mayor position are open.

Those running are required to fill out Election Candidate and Financial Disclosure forms and return them to the city manager’s office at 410 Academy Street by 4:30 p.m. Aug. 6.

Candidates must be 25 years of age by the date of the election.

Those running for office must have resided within the city for at least one year prior to the election; City Council candidates must have lived within the election ward they seek to represent for at least six months before Oct. 19.

Candidates for mayor may live anywhere in the city.

Both forms may be picked up at Cambridge City Hall, 410 Academy St., and the Department of Public Works, 1025 Washington St., Cambridge.

They can both be accessed electronically on the city’s website at

The official city website also contains a link to an interactive map to help locate the election ward you reside in.

The official election timeline is:

July 1 – Hard-copy candidate packets available

Aug. 6 – Candidate documents due to city manager’s office, 410 Academy Street

Oct. 19 – Election

Dec. 3 – Run-off election, if necessary

Links to the required forms are:



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