Borrasso: Gruenebaum will put development in check in Sussex


Rich Borrasso is a member of the Sussex Alliance for Responsible Growth.

The Sussex Alliance for Responsible Growth has always adhered to a strictly nonpartisan policy regarding agencies, officials and, most importantly, our supporters. The group has never taken a position to support a candidate in any election. Until now.

SARG endorses Jane Gruenebaum for County Council District 3. Jane understands the future needs of Sussex County and has the intellect, proven skills and experience working in large, complex organizations and with key stakeholders to foster change. Jane is a consensus builder and problem solver. She opposes sprawl, is independent with no ties to developers and recognizes the need for collaboration with state agencies. She deserves the public’s trust.

No issue is as critical to Sussex County and the quality of life of its residents and taxpayers as the uncontrolled overdevelopment that has occurred and continues. It has damaged the revered “character” of the county so often referenced by our political leaders but ignored in their decision-making process. In the last 10 years, thousands of acres of trees, open space and farmland have been developed into housing and commercial development in a completely random and haphazard manner, without a plan or vision for what the county should be in the future or how it should get there. Desperately needed infrastructure remains an unfulfilled promise.

Controlling the development of the Del. 1 corridor and its impact on Sussex County businesses and residents is critical to the future of Sussex County. The majority of that corridor is in District 3. It is the “gateway” to Sussex County and all that it has to offer, from our beaches and bays to the charm and character of our small towns. It is a main entryway for visitors supporting our economy. Equally, it is the mainstay for thousands of residents and businesses whose daily lives depend on safe and efficient travel. Residents from Milford to Five Points grow more exasperated with the increasing congestion and frequency of accidents. Del. 1’s transformation to Ocean City North would be devastating to the quality of life of Sussex residents, yet high-density development is exactly what is in the minds of developers, supported by Councilman Mark Schaeffer.

During his three years in office, Councilman Schaeffer has resisted efforts to limit expansion in the corridor and supported efforts to allow high-density development, which all parties — except developers — believe are inappropriate and detrimental to the future of Sussex County.

The Sussex Alliance for Responsible Growth has encouraged the county to collaborate with the Department of Transportation, landowners, developers, businesses and legislators to create a long-range plan, so DelDOT’s ongoing $500 million Del. 1 safety improvements are not overwhelmed by uncoordinated, uncontrolled development along that corridor. Despite meeting with Councilman Schaeffer and emphasizing the need for him to lead the effort, he has not. Disappointingly, he supported proposals for growth along Del. 1 that conflict with the county’s comprehensive plan. Most troubling is his acceptance of large contributions from developers to fund his current campaign.

District 3 desperately needs leadership — a councilperson who is nontransactional, one who is not influenced by those who profit at the expense of residents and one who has a balanced, comprehensive long-term vision. Councilman Schaeffer, by virtue of his actions or lack thereof and his embrace of significant developer contributions to support his campaign, has proven he is not that person.

Jane Gruenebaum is the person for the job!

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at civiltalk@iniusa.org.

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