
ACLU of Delaware urges Milford School Board to abandon policy that threatens free speech

ACLU Delaware
Posted 6/14/24

MILFORD -- The ACLU of Delaware sent a letter to the Milford Board of Education on June 13 raising concerns about the proposed Policy 6103. 

This policy proposed news standards for …

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ACLU of Delaware urges Milford School Board to abandon policy that threatens free speech


MILFORD -- The ACLU of Delaware sent a letter to the Milford Board of Education on June 13 raising concerns about the proposed Policy 6103. 

This policy proposed news standards for controversial and sensitive issues. This includes staff  ensuring the learning environment is free from items that would create an "intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment."

"Milford's proposed policy would  chill the free speech and expression of both students and staff members," said Mike Brickner, the executive director of ACLU of Delaware. "A single person could object to teaching of core concepts in history, science, math or other topics under the guise of being offended.

"Students could also be targeted for exhibiting different political or religious speech on their clothes or personal items, allowing others to dictate how or whether  they express themselves."

The policy also requires that staff members must present multiple viewpoints of controversial topics.

"While we believe students can and should be free to express multiple viewpoints in the classroom, compelling teachers to present multiple viewpoints, no matter how illegitimate, also violates basic tenets of free speech and expression," said Mr. Brickner. 

The school board can vote on the policy as early as June 17.

To learn more about the policy and ACLU of Delaware visit

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