things to do

10th annual Smyrna at Night acts take to the stages

By Craig Anderson
Posted 6/15/24

SMYRNA — The event is dubbed Smyrna at Night, but there was plenty of good music during the day, too.

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things to do

10th annual Smyrna at Night acts take to the stages

Felicia Skinner sings "Killing Me Softly With His Song" on Saturday.
Best Kept Soul performs at the Smyrna at Night Music festival Saturday.
Nick Kashmanian belts out "Rebel Yell" on Saturday in Smyrna.
Nick Kashmanian performs at the Smyrna at Night concert Saturday.


SMYRNA — The event is dubbed Smyrna at Night, but there was plenty of good music during the day too.

The 10th annual music session began at noon with Delaware-based acts Skinner & Spadola, Best Kept Soul, Nick Kashmanian and Frazzlefit.

More groups followed with headliner Smash Mouth taking the main stage in the downtown area at 8 p.m.

Other local acts included Love Seed Mama Jump, Spokey Speaky, Braxton Hicks, Sug Daniels, Bad Alibi and Bryen O’Doyle.

Right after performing “Killing Me Softly With His Song,” Felicia Skinner described what she liked most about the all-day festival.

“Being a community is everything. So just having this time together with everyone and getting the music and all the vendors, it’s just a great opportunity to come together,” she said.

Upward of 10,000 people were expected on the day, breaking last year’s record of 8,000.

A lifelong Smyrna resident who has attend the gathering “many times,” Cindy Ridenour expected the mall area including town hall and post office to be packed.

“Right now it’s just gearing up but we’re going to be hopping later tonight,” she said. “It’s nice coming out and seeing everyone, being able to get together and have a good time.”

Christine Schabowski of Wyoming waited patiently behind a table with her jewelry for sale, knowing that a rush of customers was surely coming.

“It’s really nice because as the day goes on, people start getting in the mood to dance and have fun,” she said.

“It’s just a nice experience because everyone starts getting happy, walking around and smiling. It’s just a cool event. Toward the end of the night it gets busy.

“Right now everyone is focused on getting their spot for the person they came to see, eating, but as the day goes on — the party starts and everything they’ve been eyeballing throughout the day they make the rounds to come and get.”

The event benefited Holly’s Club of Smyrna.

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