Vietnam veterans deserve our respect

For those who grew up in the 1960s, it was a time of turbulence and social change. But no matter who you were or where you came from, there was one word everyone knew: Vietnam.
Rep. William Carson Rep. William Carson
When war broke out in that unfamiliar place, hundreds of thousands of Americans answered their country’s call and wore the military uniforms of our nation. They were sent to fight in a country on the other side of the world, but as they returned, there were no parades, no celebrations, no ceremonies. Often, on returning to American soil, they were told to take their uniforms off before walking through the airport. The divisiveness of the war at home fell on the shoulders of these veterans, through no fault of their own. But these brave Americans served with dignity, honor and courage. If you meet a Vietnam veteran, tell him “Welcome home.” You’ll see a proud veteran’s eyes light up. This week is Vietnam Veterans Week in Delaware, our chance to make special remembrance of those who fought, including the more than 300,000 who were wounded and 58,000 who gave the ultimate sacrifice — 183 of whom were Delawareans. These proud soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines waited too long for the respect and admiration they were owed as veterans of our nation’s military. This week, let’s all remember the credo of the Vietnam Veterans of America: “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.”

State Rep. William J. Carson D-District 28 (Clayton, Leipsic, Smyrna and nearby unincorporated areas, including Woodland Beach and areas to the immediate northeast of Dover) Smyrna

delaware-general-assembly, history, vietnam-war
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