Speak Up: Sussex County offers cooling stations to beat the extreme heat


With oppressive, potentially dangerous heat and humidity in mid-July, Sussex County offered its facilities to help the public cool off. County officials announced that several cooling stations were designated July 15-17, as National Weather Service forecasters predicted temperatures into the mid- and upper 90s. Heat indexes were expected to hit well over 100 degrees.

  • Last year, Milford provided cooling stations for day and night. Someone said they had too many problems. It should be run like Code Purple. You come in, and you stay in. Sorry that it has not been tried again. — Thomas J. Chilton
  • What an awesome act of kindness and compassion. Way to go, Sussex County. I never could understand why, in Delaware, Code Purple shelters are not open all year long, as well. — Cindy M. Starkey
  • Funding. — Kerry Krouse Gallup
  • Yes, I totally understand, and I know it’s so expensive, but I wish there was a way. This summer heat can be just as deadly as winter cold; however, as I mentioned, it’s really awesome to see areas in Sussex County trying to help in any way they can and what the medical personnel are going to do, as well. Bravo. — Cindy M. Starkey
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