Getman: Support of home care services appreciated


On behalf of the members of the Delaware Association for Home & Community Care and the tens of thousands of medically complex children and adults who rely on home care services, thank you to the Delaware legislature for supporting home care in the 2025 budget.

During the pandemic, more than 1,000 Delawareans died while living away from their families in long-term care facilities, leading many in our state to recognize the value of home care. Without adequate funding for home care, agencies that provide such services are unable to pay professional in-home caregivers a fair wage that is commensurate with the incredible and lifesaving work they do.

The legislature’s allocation of $2.9 million to be used toward enhancing managed long-term services and supports/personal care Medicaid rates is an investment that will help home care agencies find and attract more compassionate and reliable caregivers, compete for an adequate share of the workforce and, most importantly, provide services to the many state residents who need this care to stay where they want to be — at home — and avoid longer-term placements in hospitals and nursing homes.

Thank you, Delaware legislators, for the important work you are doing on behalf of the many citizens who need this care now and in the future.

Sue Getman

Executive director, Delaware Association for Home & Community Care


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