DNREC seeks tree-planting projects for Delaware


DOVER — The Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative is seeking funding requests for tree-planting projects that will be completed in 2025.

Requests can include multiple projects and may range from $10,000-$90,000. Nongovernmental organizations with 501(c)(3) status, state agencies, conservation districts, counties and municipalities, public school districts, private K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and businesses responsible for corporate campuses are eligible.

Combined with other funding sources, community efforts and individual plantings, approximately 225,000 trees will be planted by the end of this year, nearly a quarter of the way toward the program’s goal of 1 million trees.

Approximately $240,000 toward plantings will be awarded in October.

Visit dnrec.delaware.gov/tedi to apply.

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