Bay to the Beach summer edition: Comics, chainsaws, coastlines & cuisine

Tom Maglio and Laura Walter
Posted 5/28/24

There are adventures out there to be had, for those wise enough to seek them. Toss a pin and let it land anywhere on a map of our region, and you’ll find yourself in a corner of the world with …

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Bay to the Beach summer edition: Comics, chainsaws, coastlines & cuisine


There are adventures out there to be had, for those wise enough to seek them. Toss a pin and let it land anywhere on a map of our region, and you’ll find yourself in a corner of the world with secrets to discover.

We’ve gone on many of these adventures, specifically to share with you in the summer edition of Bay to the Beach magazine, released on May 26 (and also this Byways column). They were worthy adventures, and ones that were all only about an hour away from the comfort of our own homes. They’re all also adventures you could find yourselves on, and we hope you take that leap.

You can read about some of those destinations in the magazine right now. In this edition, we highlight classic and even historic boats in St. Michaels and Cambridge. We find a summerlong scavenger hunt on Smith Island. We countdown to awesome central Delaware events, from chainsaw carving to Comic Cons. Plus, for those rainy days, we check out bowling and karaoke in Middletown. A Salisbury restauranteur shares his passion for ramen, and Rock Hall residents ready themselves for a pirate-themed festival.

Plus, we publish highlights from our Cover Photo Contest, including the winning design by Lee Wilkinson. And you can pin our list of state and county fairs to your refrigerator for easy planning.

This summer’s Bay to the Beach reminded use of why we started this magazine in the first place. This slice of land that Delaware and Maryland share is one of endless charm, where all of our towns feel so connected, so related, and yet so very different and unique. We dove in to experience a lot of them this time around and walked away with many new favorite places to share with our friends and loved ones in the future.

And speaking of the future, we’re excited to announce an all-food related edition of Bay to the Beach, coming out in July. Food has always been a major focus of this publication; it’s what we cover most consistently, and we encourage people to try local spots. Given that, this new extension of the Bay to the Beach family is a long time coming. We hope you’ll pick that one up too, and continue to read on with us. We hope it inspires your own forays into our region.

Because no one wants to adventure on an empty stomach, after all.

Find Bay to the Beach on newsstands around the Delmarva Peninsula or read it online at

Bay to the Beach: Byways is a regular column in which we explore interesting places and projects on the Delmarva Peninsula. Videos and more photos at

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