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Where's your favorite Spring spot?

Send us your photo for a chance to have it published in our Bay to the Beach publication


Want to have a photo of your favorite spring spot in our Bay to the Beach publication? 

Submit us your photo of your favorite spot from the Chesapeake Bay to the Atlantic Ocean and we may publish your photo.

Must be at least 18 years old to enter. Only original photos will be accepted. Submission of a photograph serves as authorization that you have the authority to give Independent Newsmedia Inc. USA permission to use the image on the cover and/or inside of the Spring 2024 edition of Bay to the Beach, in addition to other publication-related promotions and publications produced by Independent Newsmedia Inc. Please provide a high-resolution photo, the names of each person in the photo (if any), the location and the city and state where the photo was taken. Only photos from Delaware and Maryland's Eastern Shore will be considered for publication. Contest closes at 12 midnight on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. 

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