Speak Up: What would make state roads safer?


The Delaware Office of Highway Safety held its first of three town halls to gather input about road safety Sept. 19 in Georgetown. Attendees shared their thoughts about how to decrease traffic fatalities and injuries, offering suggestions like spreading messages to elementary and middle school students, increasing speed enforcement and DUI checkpoints, and utilizing more signage in Spanish. The forums were organized in response to a near-record number of deaths on Delaware roads last year. What do you think should be done to boost the welfare of motorists? How should police handle unsafe drivers?

  • Better lighting and wider shoulders. — M.J. Mac Productions
  • Slow drivers in the left lane on Del. 1 cause congestion and backups in both north- and southbound lanes. Overhead signage does not seem to work. I see it daily. — Chuck Holliday
  • Speeders on Del. 1 who use the left lane for a racetrack instead of actually passing someone. Because we all know you’re supposed to get back in the right lane after passing. — Michael Campbell
  • Laws only work for some. Get insurance companies to push discounts for defensive-driving courses and have better driver’s ed. I’m from New York. People drive like maniacs there, but somehow it seems like less accidents. People are better at it. I see so many really stupid maneuvers. People in Delaware don’t even know how to make U-turns. They are always on the wrong side, so someone coming the other way can’t make a U-turn, too. Then, they get rear-ended. Also, make high fines for phone use while driving. — Nancy Rusinoff Nassau
  • How about making it illegal for buses to have a long line of cars behind them? If the kid is getting on/off on the same side of the street they are being let go at, why stop traffic? The kid isn’t crossing traffic. — Michael Campbell
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