peel back effect

Speak Up: Look twice, save a life


The Delaware Office of Highway Safety kicked off riding season with a motorcycle awareness campaign that includes law enforcement patrols, digital advertising, social media, public relations and grassroots outreach urging drivers and motorcyclists to share the road and be alert. What motorcycle safety precautions do you take on the road as a rider or a vehicle operator?

  • As a rider, it has become more and more dangerous, with people just not paying attention. People texting are always moving over into my lane. Bikers just need to be more aware at all times. I thank all people who watch out for us. — Stan Sipple
  • I always keep an ear and an eye out for bikers. My ex was a biker, and I witnessed people just ignoring he was there. — Letitia Schuman
  • Everyone needs to drive safer and look out for the other guy. Motorcyclists who speed, cut around cars, drive between cars are a menace ... to everyone. — Marilyn McCarron
  • Never assume the driver with four wheels sees you. — Howard Gaines III

Celebrating ‘The Sale’

Spence’s Bazaar, Auction and Flea Market in Dover has survived the Great Depression, World War II, a May 2000 arson, the boom of online shopping and the COVID-19 pandemic. The first auction at Spence’s was May 3, 1933, and since then, over five generations of family ownership have kept the business rolling along. Do you shop at “The Sale”? What great finds have you purchased?

  • I set up there a few times and sold a few items. I enjoy walking around the outside vendors and buy produce when it comes in season. I really like the Amish baked goods inside. I always end up with a few bags of baked goods. — Vincent J. Deskiewicz Sr.
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